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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 254

The air in the room took on a sudden stillness.

At that moment, Egbert put down the task card, turning his gaze to the boom camera before him and said, "Getting my family involved might be a bit tricky."

Many celebrities prefer to keep their family out of the limelight. The show producers hadn't consulted the guests about this "family-involved" task beforehand, recognizing their right to decline it.

No sooner had Egbert finished speaking than the room's landline rang.

The phone, set up by the show's team to maintain contact with the guests, was quickly picked up by Egbert, who listened to the show's director explain the situation.

After a while, he hung up and said to Eileen, "They don't want to disturb our families, so they suggested we could invite friends instead."

Eileen let out a sigh of relief and nodded, "Inviting friends is manageable."

Who doesn't have a few friends in the entertainment industry, after all?

Egbert added, "The director also asked if we could give him a joint autographed photo of us."

Eileen looked puzzled, "Autographed photo? Why?"

Egbert shrugged the question off and picked up his phone, "Let me check with our mutual friends first." Saying this, he opened his WhatsApp group chat.

Eileen watched him type, her eyes occasionally drifting to the task card on the table.

After a while, Egbert looked up, "They're all free."

Phyllis and Josiah could make it over tonight. Blythe was out of town filming, but she insisted she'd make it by tomorrow no matter what!

They were all excited about the supposed "house warming party."

Who would have thought that Egbert and Eileen had secretly gotten married behind their backs!

After hanging up, Egbert continued to cut an apple, feeding pieces to Eileen.

After finishing the apple, Eileen suggested, "Maybe ask Bartley if he's free as well."

Egbert paused. After a moment, he chuckled, "Should I ask?"

Eileen mumbled, "Why not?"

Bartley was both family and friend, and she admitted she was being a little selfish in wanting him there.

Egbert didn't make it difficult for her. He knew that for her to even suggest this was a big step.

He called Simon Lopez. A moment later, he hung up and said, "He'll be here soon."

Eileen nodded, pretending not to care too much.

With friends coming over, food had to be prepared.

In the end, Eileen decided to prepare meatloaf. It was the easiest and most convenient choice when having a lot of people over.

So, at three in the afternoon, the two of them headed out to do some grocery shopping.

By five in the evening, Eileen was preparing the food when the doorbell rang.

"They're here."

Eileen quickly put down what she was holding and scampered to open the door.

As the door swung open, the first thing Eileen saw was a wheelchair.

Eileen looked puzzled.

Her gaze then traveled upwards to see a man sitting in the wheelchair, his leg wrapped in a cast.

Eileen stared, taken aback, at Jarvis, then moved her gaze towards Simon, who was pushing Jarvis's wheelchair, a grim expression on his face.

Simon looked like he was about to cry, "I was at the hospital when you called. He heard and insisted on coming with me. He said if I didn't bring him, he wouldn't let me leave!"

Eileen didn't know what to say. Now that they were here, she couldn't exactly tell Mr. Dave to leave, could she?

So, all she could do was invite them in.

A little while later, Egbert came downstairs from tidying the guest room to see two additional guests in the living room.


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