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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 255

The moment Simon spoke, everyone in the room was stunned into silence.

Phyllis and Josiah were both rendered speechless.

Josiah stammered, "Why... why is your whole family coming here?"

Phyllis nodded in agreement, strongly suspecting that perhaps their teacher, Mr. Bartley, had gotten the theme of the gathering all wrong.

The invitation was for friends and family to join Eileen and Mr. Reed at their home. Not for their guests to then invite their own friends and family!

Simon didn't dare meet his aunt's gaze, nor could he respond to Josiah's question. So, he fell silent.

The room became eerily quiet.

After a moment of contemplation, Egbert walked over to Eileen. Just as he was about to put his arm around her shoulders, Eileen darted away as if she had been startled, like a cat with its tail stepped on!

Egbert quickly grabbed her.

"Let go of me, let go!" Eileen shouted, struggling against Egbert's grip.

He pulled her back into his arms and glanced at Simon. "Aren't you running?"

Simon snapped out of his stupor and rushed to the balcony. Eileen continued to struggle.

Egbert held her tighter, and trying to soothe her. "Calm down, calm down."

Eileen was practically hopping mad. "How can I calm down? This little... Did I tell him to invite them? Simon, get out here! Right now!"

"Simon?" Jarvis questioned, looking perplexed. Josiah and Phyllis were also confused, their eyes on Eileen.

Eileen choked on her words, her throat suddenly dry.

Egbert gently stroked her hair. "Well, they're on their way. We can't exactly tell them to turn back now, can we?"

"But..." Eileen protested.

Egbert patiently watched her.

Eileen wanted to argue, but she didn't know what to say. In the end, she could only hang her head in defeat, muttering, "What should we do..."

Egbert gently stroked her hair. "I'll ask them how long until they arrive."

Eileen pouted, her small hand clutching Egbert's shirt, her nails picking at the seams.

Seeing that Eileen had calmed down, Egbert held her with one arm while he dialed a number with his free hand.

The call was immediately disconnected.

A second later, the doorbell rang, and Egbert looked towards the door.

Eileen, however, was frozen in shock!

The living room fell into an eerie silence again, neither Josiah nor Phyllis dared to make a sound.

Jarvis frowned, his gaze falling on the balcony where Simon was peeking through the crack in the door.

"I'll get the door," Egbert said, letting go of Eileen.

"Wait." Eileen grabbed Egbert's wrist.

Egbert clasped her hand, asking, "Hmm?"

Eileen pursed her lips, finally deciding, "I... I'll do it!"

Egbert looked surprised, then laughed softly, "We can go together."

Eileen nodded and walked stiffly towards the door. When she reached it, however, she found herself unable to open it.

Egbert squeezed her hand reassuringly, whispering in her ear, "Don't be scared, I'm here."

Eileen glanced at Egbert, feeling encouraged. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and finally mustered the courage to open the door.

The next second, Eileen was left speechless. Outside the door, Sylvia and Hobson stood holding a dish of food. They looked just as stunned as Eileen.

Sylvia and Hobson blinked in confusion. Hobson spoke up, "We made some cherry-glazed pork chops for dinner. Sylvia thought we should share some with our neighbors."

With that, he handed over the dish.

"Thank you," Egbert replied, taking the dish.

Hobson waved his hand dismissively, indicating there was no need for thanks.


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