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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 261

After a bit of playful splendor, the kitten leaped to the floor and began frolicking.

Once Eileen stepped inside the house, she picked up the landline and called the TV production crew, asking them to come over and collect the kitten to return it to its owner. The kitten was spotlessly clean and a tad plump, a sure sign it was well-cared for, likely belonging to a neighbor.

When the crew arrived to fetch the kitten, they also handed Eileen a new task card.

Reading the card, Eileen paused, "Honeymoon?"

The staff member reminded her, "You'll be departing in three days. You both need to pack as soon as possible to ensure a smooth departure."

With instructions given, the staff member left.

Closing the door behind them, Eileen, holding the card that read "Honeymoon," sat back down on the couch and said to Egbert Reed, "It doesn't say where to."

Egbert was flipping through channels with the remote, he glanced at the card and replied, "We'll find out when it's time."

Eileen shrugged it off and didn't press the matter.

It was still early, and finding herself with some free time, Eileen pulled out her laptop from the drawer beneath the coffee table. Cross-legged, she placed the laptop on her knees, opened her email, and started reviewing company documents.

She had mostly delegated the responsibilities of Nathan Finance to Gentry, but after resolving an issue, he would still send a report to her. Eileen insisted on this; the company was hers after all, and she didn't want to be completely hands-off. She needed to keep tabs on the company's status and the flow of funds periodically.

Seeing Eileen engrossed in her work, Egbert lowered the TV volume and got up to cut some fruit for her.

Eileen, focused on the documents, didn't notice as Egbert leaned over with a fruit fork, spearing pieces of fruit and gently feeding them to her.

She accepted the bites, occasionally looking up to see Egbert not paying attention to the TV, but rather engrossed in something on his phone.

After finishing the fruit, Egbert stood up to cut more when a sudden "Meow" broke the silence.

Both Egbert and Eileen paused. Eileen looked upstairs to see a familiar kitten standing on the stair landing, tail high, looking down at them authoritatively.

She gasped, "How did it get back in here? And inside the house?"

Eileen's eyes widened, scanning the area. All the doors and windows on the first floor were secure. How did the kitten get in? Did it jump through an upstairs window?

The little kitten darted away, and seconds later, an unpleasant odor wafted down from upstairs.

Eileen and Egbert exchanged a look of dismay.

When they reached the second floor, Eileen saw the kitten sauntering out of Egbert's room. Inside, on his bed, was a small... animal waste.

The show's executive director, busy with other matters, returned to find the assistant director frantically contacting people, looking for a dog.

Confused, the executive director asked, "Why are we looking for a dog?"

The assistant director dialed another number and offhandedly mentioned, "To catch a kitten."


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