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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 267

Aurora clenched her fists as the stinging pain blazed across her cheek. With tears brimming in her eyes, she shot a furious glare at Eileen standing before her.

Calvert rushed over and positioned himself protectively in front of Aurora, his brow furrowed with concern. "What the hell, Eileen?"

Aurora felt a surge of injustice and her eyes reddened.

Calvert, being her friend, could only shield her and managed to say to Eileen, "Sorry, she's not herself right now."

Eileen was hardly interested in excuses. She pointed to the scattered trail mix and canned tuna on the ground, "That's a hundred bucks."

Calvert's lips tightened, and after a moment, he nodded reluctantly, "Fine, I'll pay you outside."

Eileen said no more. But Aurora instantly tugged at Calvert's sleeve, protesting, "Don't give her the money! Why should we pay her?"

Calvert shot an awkward glance at Eileen and tried to calm Aurora, "Come on, you messed up her stuff."

Aurora burst into tears, as if she'd been wronged by the world, choking out, "But she slapped me! So what if I ate a bit of her food? They have so much, and we've been starving for days. Shouldn't they help us?"

Calvert's brow furrowed deeper, "Aurora..."

But Aurora was relentless, "I didn't even hurt her, but she hit me so hard—look at my face..."

"Aurora!" Calvert steadied her shoulders, genuinely worried about her mental state.

At that moment, Eileen burst into laughter, clapping her hands mockingly, "Ms. Bell, playing the victim card like a pro, huh? You lack food, so you take mine? What next, rob a bank because you're broke?"

Aurora's face turned crimson with anger, "You..."

Eileen cut her off with a cold voice, "Oh, our drama queen speaks. The epitome of innocence, never harming a soul, above us mere mortals."

The others, Sylvia and Hobson, couldn't hold back their laughter at Eileen's sarcastic monologue.

Aurora, shaking with fury, pointed at Eileen, "What did you say?!"

Eileen shrugged nonchalantly, "Just speaking some truth. Too complex for you? Good, you're no poet."

"You...you..." Aurora was speechless with rage.

It was then that a man's light laughter echoed through the air, drawing everyone's attention, including a shocked Aurora, to Egbert. His eyes were filled with fond exasperation as he looked at Eileen with a love-struck grin.

Aurora's heart pounded with betrayal, and tears streamed down her face as she accused Egbert, "Mr. Reed, why are you siding with her?!"

Egbert, caught off guard, slowly turned to Aurora with an amused look and simply stated, "Why wouldn't I? She's my wife."

Hearing his reply, Aurora was stunned.

Eileen, equally surprised, turned and dashed towards Egbert, trying to silence him while exclaiming, "Not this again!"

Egbert, chuckling, leaned back, catching her wrists with one hand and pulling her close with the other, whispering, "Easy."

Eileen glared, "Can't you ever just zip it?"


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