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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 268

Calvert was gobsmacked.

He didn't have time to think, blurting out, "Save her, for God's sake!"

Eileen quipped, "That’ll be cash upfront, right?"

Calvert rushed, "Yes, yes, yes!"

What’s fifty grand? Aurora’s fee for a single movie was at least several million. Fifty grand to save her life, it's a no-brainer!

Eileen rolled her eyes and told Hobson, "Fetch some water, will you?"

"I'll help," Calvert offered eagerly.

Eileen shot him a glance, saying, "Don't think your help's going to get you a discount. If you want to offer some help, hurry up and bring a lot. The quicker the better."

Then she turned to Egbert, "You stay put. You’re a premium caretaker, not included in the fifty grand."

Egbert, standing aside and taking a damp cloth from her hands, chuckled, "Caretaker?"

Eileen frowned, "Just don’t go!"

Egbert replied softly, "Alright, I won’t."

With a bunch of bottled water in their arms, Hobson and Calvert hurried to fetch water.

Calvert thought they were heading to the shore, but they ended up at a mountain spring.

He exclaimed, "There’s fresh water here?"

Hobson filled the bottles, explaining, "Ms. Lopez said the crew's tough, but they wouldn't strand us without water. Plus, the wildlife needs to drink too, right?"

Calvert realized that if he had known about the fresh water sooner, Aurora wouldn't have gotten so sick.

He was about to drink from his cupped hands when Hobson stopped him, "Ms. Lopez warned us, wild water's got parasites. We gotta boil it first!"

Startled, Calvert dumped the water and helped fill the bottles.

On their way back, they stumbled upon a snake!

Calvert froze, ready to bolt, but Hobson held him still, "Ms. Lopez mentioned these snakes are practically blind. Stand still, and it’ll move on. We’ve seen them near camp."

Calvert, reassured, stayed put and soon the snake slithered away.

They hurried back to camp and handed the water to Eileen.

Outside the tent, Calvert overheard Eileen instructing Sylvia on cooling Aurora down with physical methods and herbal rubs. Aurora was getting better.

Calvert's heart finally eased when he heard she was out of danger.

Suddenly, the rumble of the production crew's helicopter filled the air.

Eileen glanced up as the helicopter hovered, doors open, ladder dropped, but nobody descended.

Sylvia emerged, supporting a now conscious Aurora.

Everyone caught sight of Aurora. But then, silence.

"What’s up?" Aurora looked puzzled, turning to Calvert, "Why that look?"

Calvert hesitated, his voice awkward, "Your face..." Why's it green? But Calvert didn’t finished his words.

Aurora touched her cheek, confused.


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