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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 270

The disappearance of the celebrity guest was no small matter.

Everyone was up and at 'em.

The assistant director called over the night shift crew, who was just as bewildered.

Since all the guests were supposed to be asleep, the staff had likely dozed off too, after all.

Confronted by the assistant director, the worker hastily switched the camera feeds and lo and behold, the four guests had vanished into thin air.

No sign of them on any camera. Rewinding the footage, they discovered the guests had snuck out of the production's watchful eye at 4 a.m.

"Search! Get all the drones up, scour the entire island!"

In no time, ten drones were buzzing across the island.

It was a medium-sized island—big enough to hide on but too vast to be considered small.

The drones flew different routes for nearly an hour before they had covered the whole area.

But shockingly, there was no trace of Eileen and her crew!

The director arrived, learning they were still at large, and he put on his boss hat, laying into his subordinate, "This is on you!"

The assistant director retorted, "How's this my fault?"

The director shot back, irate, "Because you wouldn't let her play with the helicopter!"

The assistant director stood his ground, "We can't just let her—there are rules to this—"

"Found them!" The assistant director was cut off by a crew member pointing at a monitor, "Over here! Right here!"

Both directors rushed over to see. The screen showed a stretch of blue sea, and there the four guests were, paddling a boat across the waves.

The director was gobsmacked, asking, "Is Eileen bolting with the others?"

The assistant director was speechless.

Amidst the vast ocean, a drone followed an old wooden dinghy, relentless in pursuit.

Sylvia heard the buzzing overhead and spotted the drone.

"About time they found us," she muttered.

Eileen glanced up then returned to her rowing without a word.

The drone hovered in front of them, the assistant director's anxious voice coming through, "Folks, what in the world are you doing?"

Hobson, still rowing, innocently replied, "Ms. Lopez said she wanted to see the world, and if she couldn't have the helicopter, she'd row there. No one can stop a traveler's spirit."

"Since when did she become an explorer!" The assistant director was nearly hysterical, "Island adventures aren't meant to go off the grid!"

Shrugging, Hobson said, "Telling me won't help; I'm just the oar guy here."

The drone hesitated, then approached Egbert, "Mr. Reed, you..."

Egbert replied coolly, "Happy wife, happy life."

"Ouch!" Eileen smacked him on the back as soon as he finished his sentence.

Finally, the drone faced Eileen, circling her pleadingly, "Ms. Lopez, can't we talk this out?"

Eileen huffed, ignoring it completely. Seeing her reaction, the assistant director turned to the crew, "Why on earth is there a boat on the island?"

A crew member explained, "It's always been there, but broken, buried in the sand. Who knew they'd dig it out and fix it!"

The assistant director blurted out, "Ms. Lopez, you need to come back. That boat's not steady, the waves might toss you over."


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