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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 271

Under a canvas of azure sky and billowing white clouds, a little red helicopter was cutting through the air, seemingly without a care in the world. It was a picture-perfect day until a sneaky gust of wind came out of nowhere, sending the aircraft into a wild, ninety-degree arc.

In the blink of an eye, the helicopter was nosediving towards the nearest island!

Screams echoed throughout the control room and across the beach where Sylvia and Hobson Miller were sunbathing, their eyes wide with terror.

But just as the helicopter was about to kiss the sandy beach, it swerved sharply and shot back into the sky, gliding smoothly once again.

A collective sigh of relief was breathed around all people.

Meanwhile, inside the chopper, Eileen eyed her co-pilot, Egbert, with a mix of annoyance and disbelief. "Everyone's freaking out, and you're just sitting there all calm? What's wrong with you?"

Egbert gave her a sidelong glance and asked coolly, "Scared of what?"

Eileen didn't answer. Instead, her eyes darted around mischievously before she decided to dive the aircraft into a cloud bank, and then she playfully aimed it towards the ocean once again.

Sylvia and Hobson were back on the beach, their hearts leaping into their throats. "Not again!"

Back in the control room, the director and the assistant director were on the verge of a collective heart attack.

Eileen pouted, dissatisfaction written all over her face. "This is no fun."

Egbert remained as serene as ever, sitting in the co-pilot's seat. After a brief silence, his voice tinged with annoyance, he asked, "Did you emphasize taking me on this trip just to scare me?"

Eileen's eyes shifted guiltily, and she scratched her head, trying to deflect. "No, why would I scare you? I'm a good person, you know."

"Hmph," Egbert snorted, dropping the subject.

The vast expanse of sea and sky stretched out endlessly before them. From high above, the world seemed to be at their feet.

Eileen had been joyfully piloting the helicopter for over two hours when the assistant director reminded her that they were running low on fuel. Reluctantly, she landed the chopper and handed it back to the captain.

Over the next few days, Eileen took to the skies whenever she could, sometimes with Egbert, other times with Sylvia or Hobson. She even offered to take the assistant director up, but fearing she might toss him out mid-flight, he firmly declined.

For five more days, the four celebrities lived on the deserted island, which had become a sort of paradise under Eileen's influence. They had a sturdy shelter, plenty of food drying in the sun, and leisure time filled with card games, chess, and so on.

By setting traps in the morning and evening, they had an ample supply of seafood at their disposal. When they tired of fish, they would invent new dishes with the fruits they found on the island, including Eileen's signature dish - roasted bugs. Crunchy and high in protein, even the skeptics had to admit they were surprisingly tasty.

On the ninth day, the production team announced that the adventure was over, and it was time to head back home. Although they arrived with just a suitcase each, they left with bags full of island souvenirs and local delicacies.

Back on the plane, Eileen reunited with Aurora and Calvert, whom she hadn't seen in nearly a week. The seating arrangement was three boys together and three girls together, with Sylvia in the middle of their row. She glanced at Aurora and asked casually, "Ms. Bell, are you feeling better now?"

Aurora didn't respond, turning her head away and pretending to sleep.

Sylvia was speechless and embarrassed.

Eileen then chimed in lazily, "Sylvia, we're just simple folk straight from a deserted island; we've got no business talking to the likes of the distinguished Ms. Bell. Look at her, with her onyx necklace, pearl earrings, and those fancy leather heels. She's dressed like she's just come from a funeral. Clearly, she's not in the mood for chitchat."

Sylvia couldn't help but burst into laughter.


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