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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 272

"Quiet down, quiet down!"

"Bang, bang!!"

The scolding mixed with the sound of gunshots sent a wave of terror through everyone in the lobby.

For a solid five minutes, the pandemonium ensued, only to come to a jarring stop when a hotel security guard was shot. His blood splashed across the gleaming floor, marking a horrific end to the chaos.

Silence fell over the lobby like a heavy blanket of snow.

Eileen, peering from behind the reception desk just a few feet away from the wounded guard, narrowed her eyes.

The entire crew looked like they were about to pass out from fear!

Huddled together, they crouched in a corner, seeking solace in numbers.

The director did a headcount of the surrounding crew and, after a quick glance, his face drained of color. He whispered urgently, "Where are Mr. Reed and Eileen?!"

The assistant director glanced around and nudged the director, nodding towards a direction with his chin, "Over there."

The director looked and saw Eileen across the lobby, crouching behind another counter with a group of strangers, cradling a little blonde girl in her arms.

While it was a mystery when she had managed to slip away, it was a relief to see her unharmed.

But where was Egbert?!

Aurora, pale as a ghost, asked from the back, "What's happening? Is this a robbery?!"

Calvert replied, "Doesn't seem like it, they're all dressed in military gear."

Sylvia, trembling, added, "I heard about civil unrest in some countries. Could we be caught in the middle of that?"

Hobson said in a hushed tone, "Shh, keep it down, they're collecting phones."

Eileen's gaze shifted to her front right.

There, two insurgents were collecting phones in black bags, moving from one petrified guest to the next.

Soon, it was her turn.

Eileen obediently pulled out her phone and dropped it into the bag, but as the insurgent turned to leave, she spoke up, "Wait."

The armed man turned to her, his gun at the ready.

With an innocent look on her face, she gestured to the little girl in her arms, "Her watch is a phone too."

The little girl looked on with wide, tearful eyes as Eileen deftly removed the smartwatch from her wrist and added it to the collection bag.

As she did, Eileen's fingers slyly hooked her own phone from the bag and slipped it up her sleeve before withdrawing her hand.

The insurgent, none the wiser to her sleight of hand, thought she was being cooperative and moved on.

Having stashed her phone safely, Eileen looked down into the little girl's wide eyes.

Mouthing silently, she said, "What are you staring at?"

The little girl could only stare back in silence.

Eileen pushed the child gently into the arms of a nearby hotel employee, then turned her attention back to assessing the situation.

The insurgents were numerous. Apart from a group sent to round up guests from the upper floors, there were nearly a hundred in the lobby.

Eileen scrutinized the lobby's architecture and exits before her gaze lifted to the central air vent above her head.

Hidden within, Egbert met her gaze. Their eyes locked in a silent understanding. Eileen subtly acknowledged him with a nod.

Egbert, a soldier from Crestonia, knew that in situations of peril, he had to prioritize his own safety to avoid capture. Only then could he hope to facilitate the rescue of the others.

When the upheaval began, his military instincts had driven him to seek cover immediately.

Egbert signaled to Eileen from the vent, tapping out a Morse code message.

Eileen understood. Egbert had made contact with the Crestonian military, which was now in communication with the Frostsglow embassy and local government forces.

The message from the government forces was clear - this was a local insurrection, and though the rebels were brazen, they would likely avoid harming civilians, especially foreign nationals, to prevent international disputes.

Eileen glanced at the shot employee and mentally crossed out the part about no harm to civilians.

But foreign nationals were indeed less likely to be harmed.

Some hostages were still whispering among themselves, and the rebels, though noticing, didn't interfere.

Yes, she was referring to the director and assistant director of the "Romantic Revelations" crew!

What an environment for a catch-up! Did they need a microphone or something?

As time ticked by, the lobby remained stiflingly tense.

Suddenly, Egbert signaled again from the vent: the government forces weren't going to compromise, and negotiations with the rebels had failed.

Almost in sync, a rebel leader erupted with profanity and, in a fit of rage, grabbed a hotel employee and began to pummel him without mercy.

Eileen frowned deeply at the sight.

After the beating, the leader scanned the crowd, grabbed his gun, and marched over to the "Romantic Revelations" crew, singling out Aurora from the back of the group.

The crew was stunned, so was Eileen.

Aurora hadn't expected to be the one dragged out, especially since it was the director and assistant director who had been whispering. Panic-stricken, she let out a piercing scream!

"Bang!" Annoyed, the rebel leader fired another shot into the ceiling.


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