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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 279

Eileen blushed crimson, her cheeks aflame with embarrassment as Egbert's words cut through her defenses like a knife through butter. She was completely blindsided by the truth!

All this time, had they been playing a game of cat and mouse with her?

The realization landed squarely on her mentor’s shoulders. If it wasn't for the desperate rush to save her mentor, would she ever have landed herself in such a humiliating predicament? Now, Egbert was using it as ammunition to tease her relentlessly!

Grinding her molars in secret agitation, Eileen shot Egbert a sidelong glance, her pride preventing her from admitting her miscalculation. With a feigned nonchalance, she retorted, “No big deal, really. Just a kiss, right? I'm a pro, it doesn't bother me. But since you mentioned, Mr. Reed, that my unexpected entrance made the scene more convincing, perhaps I'm owed a little cameo fee?”

Egbert watched her intently, raising an eyebrow, “How much would Ms. Lopez like?”

Eileen, her audacity peaking, demanded, “One million!”

Egbert nodded calmly, “Done.”

Eileen paused, thinking he hadn't heard her correctly and emphasized, “I said one million, one million dollars!”

Egbert's gaze never wavered as he replied with equanimity, “Ms. Lopez, you can have as much as you want, and you can have all my savings if you like.”

Eileen was speechless.

Egbert added, “And if that's not enough, Ms. Lopez, you can have my life too.”

Eileen decided to drop it. She glanced at the wall clock and swiftly changed the subject, “You said we have three hours to rest, right?”

Egbert followed her gaze to the clock, and without further ado, he stated, “Around six or seven, the government forces will make their move.”

Nodding at his words, Eileen made her way to the bed, flipped the covers back, and nestled herself into the inviting warmth, saying, “Then let's catch some shut-eye.”

Egbert hesitated for a moment before striding over to her.

Eileen immediately put up a hand to halt his approach, her eyes narrowing warningly, “Don't even think about it! You're on the couch!”

Egbert's lips twitched into a near-smile but he stood his ground.

With her shoes already kicked off and occupying the bed completely, Eileen left no room for Egbert, sprawling out and claiming every inch of the mattress.

Egbert watched her silently for a moment, before finally resigning himself to the couch.

Though Eileen claimed sleep was her aim, it eluded her. The danger of their current situation and the uncertain fate of the hostages in the lobby below weighed heavily on her mind. How could anyone sleep soundly under such conditions?

With restless thoughts swirling, Eileen couldn't resist checking her phone and tuning into the live stream.

To her astonishment, the entire Romantic Revelations crew seemed to be sleeping like logs!

Hobson, cozy in his hat, was snoozing sweetly with his head propped against a lobby pillar.

Next to him, Calvert, lacking anything else to lean on, rested on Hobson's arm.

Before Calvert, the director snored away, his head on Calvert's shin, grinding his teeth in his sleep as if dreaming of a delectable feast.

The assistant director curled up beside him, looking every bit the beleaguered spouse, coiled tight and sound asleep.

And in the back, a burly cameraman, in a mid-sleep turn, dropped his hefty leg onto a prop master's head, who, remarkably, didn't even stir, mumbling, “Mittens, stop it, daddy's tired, I'll feed you later…”

It was clear who was boss at home.

Eileen was struck by the ridiculousness of it all—losing sleep over such a hapless bunch. She covered herself, turned off the phone, and closed her eyes in defiance of the chaos.

But before sleep claimed her, her eyes caught a glimpse of Egbert on the couch.

He too was awake, arm behind his head, reclining yet alert, his gaze fixed on the rain-splattered window.

Even in profile, Egbert's features were striking. High cheekbones, a strong jawline—he was the kind of man who stood out, even in disguise or squalor, because he simply shone.


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