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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 280

Eileen stood there, perplexed. She had no clue what the director was rambling about over the phone. Deep down, she just felt it was best if Egbert didn't get wind of this conversation. With an abrupt click, she ended the call and strode out the door, Egbert trailing close behind.

They quickly made their way to the gathering point for the hostages. Dawn was breaking, but the rain cast an eerie glow over the morning light, creating an almost sinister ambiance.

The director had been whispering frantically to the assistant director ever since he'd seen Egbert and Eileen return. At first, the assistant director bore it patiently, but soon, his composure snapped. He stepped on the director's foot with such force that the man nearly jumped out of his shoes, and hastily retreated a few steps, not daring to provoke him further.

The rain meant the plane was still grounded, but thankfully, everyone was safe. After a headcount, the assistant director announced, "The Frostsglow government has arranged accommodations for us. Let's head there to rest."

The rest stop turned out to be a hotel in the city center. Originally, six VIP guests were to ride in one car, but upon seeing Eileen and Egbert approach, Aurora sprinted to the crew's vehicle instead.

Sylvia watched her leave and couldn't help but snark, "Good riddance! She's such an eyesore!"

Eileen didn't respond. She just peered through the car window at Aurora's retreating figure. It was just like back on the deserted island—it didn't matter that Eileen had saved Aurora's skin; not a word of thanks had come her way. And now, even with Egbert right there, Aurora hadn't thought to apologize for her previous behavior. Was it vanity or a sheer lack of gratitude and shame?

The group soon arrived at the hotel, where they were greeted by staff from the Frostsglow Embassy. The employees were excessively hospitable, offering condolences and warmth. They were practically falling over themselves to cater to every need, from fetching drinks to giving massages.

The assistant director seemed puzzled by the over-the-top attention. "You really don't need to fuss over us," he said.

It was then that the staff member cautiously broached the subject, "Actually, if it's not too much trouble, we were hoping you might... post a tweet to let your followers know you're safe."

The embassy had been flooded with calls from worried fans ever since the live broadcast began. Their nerves were frayed to breaking point.

The assistant director quickly agreed, motioning for the camera crew to set up a live stream to reassure everyone with a visual confirmation.

Upon hearing about the live stream, Aurora excused herself, claiming exhaustion, and vanished before the assistant director could even finish speaking.

Sylvia was visibly irritated and muttered under her breath, "Cowardly in front of the camera, yet bold enough to betray others. She'd fit right in as a traitor in times of turmoil."

Her comment was a bit harsh; even if Aurora was a senior colleague. Hobson intervened with a gentle "Enough."

But Sylvia was having none of it. "Why shouldn't I speak out? She did the deed, why fear the talk?"

As the elevator arrived, Aurora, head down, slipped inside without a backward glance, leaving a hushed silence in the lobby.

Sylvia, still fuming, clenched her teeth and hissed, "Just wait until I drag her through the mud in the group chat!"

Curious, Eileen inquired, "What group?"

Without turning around, Sylvia replied dismissively, "Your fan group."

Eileen was taken aback, then brightened up, "I have a fan group? What kind of group is it? How many people are in it? Add me, I want to join!"

Sylvia frowned at Eileen, "What for? You're not welcome there."

Eileen was dumbfounded, her phone in hand, "Isn't it my fan group?"

Sylvia scoffed and explained, "It's not some unofficial fan group. It's for the hardcore fans. It's a small group and we're usually busy compiling your stats and holding meetings. You wouldn't understand. Don't bother joining; we're all busy and don't have the time to entertain you."

Eileen was silent, confused by Sylvia's explanation. “It sounded like a serious affair,” she commented.

"Of course, it is!" Sylvia stated plainly. "You wouldn't know since you're not a fan. Being a hardcore fan is tough, and as a moderator, it's tougher for me. But it doesn't matter to you. We fans handle our own stats, and the subject of our fandom doesn't get a say!"

Eileen was speechless. If she hadn't known any better, she might have thought they were conspiring behind her back, fundraising to hire a hit on her.

The cameraman soon connected the live stream. At first, the chat was quiet, but then the viewers poured in by the thousands. Once the audience grew sizable, the camera panned across the guests. The five VIPs lined up and assured everyone of their safety.

The chat was a blur of messages.


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