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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 281

— [Whaaat…?]

— [Seriously, what did I just hear?]

— [Am I hallucinating?]

— [What the heck are they babbling about???]

Eileen glanced at her phone, the chat was swarming with question marks and confused comments.

She squinted her eyes, waiting patiently.

Sure enough, after a short while, Aurora's fans popped up again like moles in a whack-a-mole game.

— [Why are you using such a cutesy tone with someone else? Gosh, Aurora just got a fright, you should be saying those things to her!]

— [Yeah, you should be comforting Aurora, why are you pandering to Eileen? What is she, chopped liver? She just slapped Aurora several times!]

— [I can’t stand the slapping; where’s the class in that? Shouldn’t this morally bankrupt artist be blacklisted?]

— [You call Aurora a stranger? How could she be a stranger? She’s been waiting for you for years, never dating anyone else. How could you trample over a girl’s pure love for you like this?]

— [Ladies, Egbert isn’t the hit-and-run type! How could he not know how important Aurora is to him? Don’t lash out at the wrong person here, it’s clear Eileen is the real troublemaker.]

— [I mean, come on, have we all forgotten Eileen’s scandals from before? How did she just magically clean her image if not for some sugar daddy pulling the strings? I don’t buy it!]

— [To be fair, Eileen’s got a pretty face, like a sly vixen. It’s no surprise she caught a sugar daddy.]

— [Well, that sugar daddy must have questionable taste, right? Preferring a femme fatale over the classic beauty of our Aurora—whose face is like fine wine, getting better with time.]

— [Egbert, snap out of it, don’t be fooled by someone who's all fur coat and no knickers. In this industry, no one but Aurora is a match for you!]

— [To be honest, it’s ridiculous to even compare Aurora and Eileen. One’s an Oscar-winning actress, the other’s barely a blip on the radar. Let’s not embarrass ourselves, shall we? Aurora is the one worth our time.]

Switching the phone to her other hand, Eileen watched the stream of comments float by, her lips curling into a smirk. After a moment’s pause, she let out a cold snort.

She looked up at the camera and said slowly, “Why should Egbert go comfort Aurora? What, because he has a soft spot for a bitch?” Continuing, she added, “I did slap Aurora, and it felt pretty satisfying. It even echoed; you should try it out sometime if you’re so curious. And an artist with no morals deserves to be canceled? Let’s not go there. You, as fans, framing your idol like this—it’s just not right.

I have a sugar daddy? How is that any of your business? Instead of obsessing over my private life, why don’t you care for your own parents, or were you lot born witless?

Aurora’s face is enduring? Well, she is quite a sight. You have to endure looking at her and eventually, you stop wanting to hurl. And you said she is an Oscar-winning actress? Is that a title she just made up for herself? Did she actually win a trophy, or even a certificate? Or is she just blowing smoke with her eyes closed? Ain’t that right?”

Eileen’s words dripped with sarcasm as she scrolled through her phone again, spotting a comment from a user named “MyDearAurora”—“As a mere bystander, even public figures shouldn’t be this venomous! Can’t you speak nicely?”

Eileen smiled, “So as a public figure I can’t call you out, but you non-public figures can just insult me willy-nilly? It’s fine for Aurora to betray me, but if I slap her, I’m suddenly the villain? Are you just a clueless bystander or outright deluded? No matter, I’ll gladly be your guide to the afterlife. My words offend you? Too bad. I’m actually being quite gentle, considering any filth I throw at you would still be too clean.”

“Bravo!!!” Suddenly, Sylvia, who had been quivering with anticipation, lunged forward and wrapped her arms around Eileen’s neck, showering her with kisses!

Caught off guard, Eileen’s face was smeared with Sylvia’s lipstick. She pushed Sylvia away, saying, “I’m in the middle of something important here.”

But Sylvia clung on, rubbing her cheek against Eileen’s face, cooing, “I want to learn! Please teach me!”

Eileen frowned, “Let go of me first.”

That’s when Egbert stepped in, yanking Eileen out of Sylvia’s grasp.


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