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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 286

Eileen returned from the grocery store in no time.

As she began to cook, Egbert rose from his seat to lend a hand.

But as he made his way to the kitchen, he couldn't help but shoot a sideways glance at Isabel, who was squatting on the dining room floor, playing with the cat.

Isabel caught the tail end of Mr. Reed's gaze.

She quickly buried her head down, shrugging her shoulders as if to pretend she hadn't noticed anything.

The meal was ready in a jiffy.

Knowing how self-sufficient Isabel was at mealtime, Eileen handed her a spoon and let her dig in on her own.

Isabel ate her food diligently, soon enough ending up with a shiny, greasy little mouth.

Egbert reached for a napkin and gently wiped her face clean.

After cleaning her up, he didn't let go of the child. Instead, he ran his fingers through her hair, hinting at something as he asked, "Isabel, didn't you say you had something to tell Mommy?"

Eileen was taken aback. She looked at Isabel and asked, "What did you want to tell me?"

Isabel froze, the food in her mouth suddenly losing its appeal. The little girl timidly glanced at Mr. Reed, her expression fraught with conflict.

Egbert encouraged her gently, "Go on, say it. It's okay, Daddy's here."

Isabel hesitated, then lowered her head. After a long contemplation, she finally looked up at Eileen across the table and said, "Mommy, I want a little brother or sister. You and Daddy should have one soon."

Eileen was speechless. Egbert, however, wore a smile.

About to respond to the child's innocent request, Egbert was interrupted by Isabel's next statement, "You told me when mommy comes back, just tell her that, right?"

Eileen and Egbert exchanged a look of stunned silence.

Isabel, looking for approval, beamed up at Egbertd and said, "Daddy, I remembered it right, didn't I?"

Egbert was at a loss for words.

A piercing glare shot across the room from Eileen, in an instant, the air was thick with tension.

"Egbert !! Reed!!"

Caught off guard, Egbert tried to explain awkwardly, "It was... just a joke."

"A joke? This is no time for jokes!" Eileen slammed her hand on the table and chased after Egbert, intent on giving him a piece of her mind.

Egbert stepped back, trying to soothe her with, "I was wrong, I admit it."

"Stay right there! Don't you run!"


The house erupted into chaos.

Meanwhile, Isabel scooped up another spoonful of food, then continued to eat her meal quietly.

Later that evening, after a bubbly bath, Eileen tucked Isabel into the big bed in the guest room, asking, "What time is your school tomorrow?"

Wrapped in a fluffy blanket, Isabel replied obediently, "I don't have school tomorrow."

Realizing it was Saturday, Eileen nodded, then inquired, "And how long are you staying here?"

Isabel pouted, "Does Auntie not like Isabel visiting? Mr. Reed doesn't like it when Isabel comes..."

Eileen chuckled, pinching the little girl's nose affectionately, "So you enjoy teasing Mr. Reed, huh? Was it fun watching him get scolded?"

Caught off guard, Isabel's ears turned red. She shyly looked down and swiftly changed the subject, "I'm only staying for two days. Uncle said he would pick me up on Monday!"

Two days seemed about right, considering the filming schedule of the show couldn't possibly allow for guests to be with the children indefinitely. A two-day "family segment" was sufficient.

After getting Isabel into her pajamas, Eileen pulled the covers up to her chin and said, "Alright, time to sleep. I'll wake you for breakfast."

"Auntie," Isabel suddenly grasped Eileen's sleeve, her curiosity piqued, "will you really marry Mr. Reed someday?"


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