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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 287

Bain couldn't help but burst into laughter. Laughter from the adults soon followed, filling the room with warmth.

Isabel, a little dazed, tilted her head up to look at her Aunt Eileen, who was shaking with giggles.

It was only then that Isabel realized why they were laughing, and her cheeks flushed a deep crimson.

In a swift move, she dashed over and wrapped her arms around Eileen's waist, burying her face in the fabric of Eileen's shirt, leaving only her little red ears exposed, refusing to come out.

Eileen patted her head affectionately and chuckled, "Silly girl."

Without a word, Isabel just hugged Eileen tighter.

Out of sheer embarrassment, Isabel refused to walk properly. So Eileen had no choice but to pick her up.

It wasn't until they got into the car and it was time to buckle up that Isabel timidly emerged from Eileen's embrace.

The two kids were seated in their booster seats, side by side. Isabel, with her head down, remained silent. Bain scratched his cheek, pondering for a moment, then suddenly said to Isabel, "You know, Isabel, I can bark like a dog."

Isabel glanced at Bain in surprise. With a grin, Bain said, "I can meow like a cat, too. Meow."

Isabel looked at him, puzzled. Bain meowed again, "Meow."

After a moment of hesitation, Isabel finally smiled and softly mimicked Bain, "Meow…"

Bain raised his voice, "Meow, meow, meow…"

Isabel joined in, "Meow, meow, meow…"

With Bain's encouragement, Isabel finally relaxed.

Soon, the two kids were competing to see who could meow the loudest.

From the back seat, Eileen watched Isabel's passionate cat impressions with concern and asked Egbert, "Do you think her dad will kill me for this?"

Egbert laughed and ruffled her hair, saying, "Let him come to me."

Eileen frowned and pushed Egbert’s hand away, saying with annoyance, "Stop messing with my hair, I'm not sitting next to you anymore!"

She scooted away, putting some distance between them.

An hour and a half later, the group arrived at the suburban amusement park.

Being the weekend, the park was bustling with visitors. The guests wore masks for discretion, and Hobson queued up for tickets.

Once inside, they were greeted by towering rides: the Ferris wheel, roller coasters, pirate ships, and drop towers.

"Wow!" Isabel's excitement was palpable as she bounced around, pointing at the tallest Ferris wheel, "Auntie... Mom, that one, that one! I want to go on that one!"

Bain said earnestly, "That's the Ferris wheel." He then ran to Sylvia and pleaded, "Mom, I want to go on that too."

Sylvia readily agreed, "Of course, of course."

Hobson casually lifted Bain onto his shoulders, announcing, "Let's go, buddy. Daddy will take you to line up!"

He then turned to Egbert, "Mr. Reed, wanna join?"

Egbert gave a noncommittal look at Isabel still clinging to her aunt.

With a slightly furrowed brow and a hint of reluctance, he finally scooped up the little girl, cradling her in his arms, and said coolly, "Let's go."

Seeing them about to leave, Eileen hurried after them, exclaiming, "Wait for me! I want to go too!"

Egbert and Hobson exchanged a look.

Eventually, the six of them went to ride the Ferris wheel together.

In the Ferris wheel's gondola, each pod could only seat two.

Hobson and Bain settled into the first pod. Sylvia was next in line, waiting for Eileen to join her in the second pod. Instead, Isabel was suddenly thrust into her arms.

With a "click," Egbert closed the door for them, then turned to take Eileen's hand, saying, "Be careful."

Eileen was at a lost for words. So it ended up with Sylvia and Isabel sharing one pod, and Egbert and Eileen in another.


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