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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 288

"I don't wanna do this!"

Eileen was petrified of ghosts! No way she was going to set foot in a haunted house!

Egbert just gave her a cool glance and said, "You promised me."

Eileen's face fell, "But..."

Egbert raised an eyebrow. "Going back on your word?"

Eileen felt so frustrated. Pouting, she tried to negotiate, "Can I just wait for you at the entrance?"

Egbert shook his head.

Eileen thought Egbert was being totally unreasonable! But then, he leaned in closer and spoke gently, "Think of it as an adventure. You were pretty brave in Haunted Chronicles, right?"

Haunted Chronicles?

Well, she had to admit, she had done pretty well last time in Haunted Chronicles, even became the Wraith Ruler.

With that thought, Eileen suddenly felt a surge of confidence, "If it’s the show footing the bill... then I guess... let’s give it a shot."

Ten minutes later, they entered the haunted house, one trailing the other.

Two minutes after that.

"Ahhh! Let go of me! I want out! I don't wanna do this anymore! Wahhh! I admit my mistake!"

Egbert couldn't help but chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, soothing her, "It's just sound effects. You're scared of sound effects?"

Eileen, sheltered in Egbert’s arms, clung to the hem of his shirt, nodding meekly, "I’m scared."

Egbert shook his head, then he held her tighter and guided her hands to encircle his waist.

Reluctantly, Eileen hugged Egbert’s waist and buried her face in his chest, her eyes shut tight, and mumbled, "Then you lead the way."

He chuckled softly, "Alright."

Unfortunately, Egbert got them lost.

Eileen was on the verge of tears, "Why is it taking so long?"

He held her close and whispered, "It's too dark, I took a wrong turn. Let's head back."

The thought of going back petrified her, and she buried her face even deeper into the crook of Egbert’s neck.

Laughing softly, he turned around and started back.

The ten-minute walk from the entrance to the exit somehow managed to consume more than half an hour of their time. When they finally stepped back into the light, Eileen was drenched in sweat.

She flopped onto the ground, reaching for her face mask before remembering she couldn't reveal her identity, and resorted to fanning herself with her palm.

Egbert helped her up, tenderly wiped the sweat from her forehead with a tissue, and fixed her hair, "Not bad, you were very brave."

Eileen, still in shock, muttered, "I’m never going in a haunted house again."

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you've made it through, come over here for a chance to win a prize," a staff member from the haunted house announced.

Eileen was taken aback, she hadn't expected a prize draw.

She and Egbert went over and drew two consolation prize cards.

Eileen received a key chain and curiously asked, "What's the grand prize?"

"A car," the staff member replied.

Eileen became upset.


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