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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 300

Eileen was convinced she had run into a hater! This girl had the nerve to curse her out right to her face!

Rage bubbled within her, urging her to retaliate with the same venom.

But then she remembered the girl was just young and reckless, and she had to grind her teeth, barely managing to swallow her rage.

Two stops later, that girl got off the bus. Even as she left, she waved at them through the window.

Eileen didn't even bother to respond. She was still fuming!

The bus trundled on.

At that moment, Egbert took Eileen's hand and said, "Well, this is a novel experience."

Eileen yanked her hand away, huffing, "What experience? Watching me get chewed out?"

Egbert sighed, "The kid didn't mean any harm."

"Hmph!" Eileen turned her head away, ignoring Egbert.

Soon, it was their stop, time to switch to the subway. Once on the subway, there were no seats available. So Eileen stood, holding onto a handrail.

That's when a tattooed, towering guy stood up and said, "Ma'am, please take my seat."

Eileen glanced at him and waved him off. "I’m good."

She didn't feel like an old lady and was too embarrassed to accept the seat.

The guy insisted, "Please, sit. I'm getting off soon anyway." And with that, he practically forced Eileen to sit down. His companion, a girl, also stood up and offered her seat to Egbert, saying, "Sir, here's a spot for you."

And just like that, Egbert and Eileen were seated, as the couple who gave up their seats stood in front of them, whispering to each other.

"Doesn't she look like her? I knew it the moment I saw her," said the guy.

The girl checked her phone, then looked back at Eileen and Egbert, and added, "They really do look alike."

From their conversation, Eileen guessed they were probably fans of Egbert. She snorted disdainfully.

Then the guy went on, "She looks so much like Eileen. I wanna snap a pic and post it, but is that cool?"

The girl replied, "Of course not, that'd be rude."

Wait, Eileen? Eileen's head shot up, her eyes alight with excitement. "You said Eileen?"

The guy's face turned red as he stammered, "Ha! Ma'am, you must hear all the time how much you resemble Eileen, huh?"

Eileen cautiously inquired, "You guys... like Eileen?"

The girl immediately said, "More than like. Eileen's his idol."

Eileen perked up, eyeing the big guy, more pleased with each look. "What do you like about Eileen?"

The guy replied, "My girlfriend is a gamer, but I like working out. I used to dread playing games with her because I sucked and would get flamed by teammates. But ever since I became a fan of Eileen, learning to trash-talk from her, I've never let them get the better of me verbally!"

Eileen was speechless.

Egbert coughed lightly, a chuckle escaping him. Annoyed, Eileen elbowed him!

They soon reached their stop and Eileen stormed off the subway with Egbert trailing behind.

Outside, the streets were pitch black. It was past seven, and the night had fully set in.

Egbert caught up to Eileen, his large hand finding hers again.

She shot him a glare, still upset, but didn't pull away.

With the dim glow of streetlights guiding them, they headed home in silence.

Behind them, the cameraman quietly captured their silhouetted figures, walking side by side.


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