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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 301

Egbert’s deep eyes deepened as he gazed at Eileen Lopez. Even though he was prepared for her answer, hearing it again made his heart race uncontrollably.

He swallowed hard, pulling Eileen closer by the waist. He leaned in, his thin lips inching toward hers. The next second, Eileen's hand covered Egbert Reed's mouth.

Egbert blinked in surprise.

Frowning, Eileen asked, "What do you think you're doing?"

Muffled by her hand, he couldn't speak, so he just raised an eyebrow, his intention clear without words.

Eileen pushed his face away with a scoff, "You think there's no trial period for you? Get out!"

With that, she yanked the door open and booted him out with one swift kick.

The door slammed shut with a "bang."

Egbert stood outside, frowning at the closed door, his lips pressed tightly together.

In the control room, the show's director let out a long sigh of relief, patting his chest, "That scared me. He's finally out, but why so soon?"

The assistant director just gave the director a sidelong glance...

Trying to hold back, yet unable to restrain himself, he grabbed a megaphone and threw it at the director’s head!

The next day was the last day of filming for the show.

Eileen rose early to find Egbert downstairs, opened a can to the cat, who shamelessly meowed around Egbert, even standing on its hind legs to paw at his jeans.

Eileen wandered over in her slippers. Both man and cat turned to look at her at the same time.

Eileen walked past Egbert into the kitchen and washed her hands under the faucet.

"Morning," Egbert said, watching her.

"Morning," Eileen replied casually. She opened the fridge to check the ingredients.

After Egbert poured cat food into the bowl, he too washed his hands and approached Eileen, resting a hand on her shoulder, "Let me do it."

Eileen blinked, "You're making breakfast?"

He nodded, pulling out a packet of frozen bagels, "Is this okay?"

Eileen shrugged, "Whatever."

Seeing Egbert taking charge of breakfast, she comfortably plopped down on the couch.

Soon, Egbert served up the bagels.

After a few bites, Eileen noticed Egbert watching her. She chewed her bagel, puzzled, "What?"

He slid a mug of milk beside her, "Drink up."

Eileen found his behavior odd.

She sniffed the milk – no poison. She took a cautious sip – tasted normal.

Giving up on guessing his motives, she set down the glass, "What's this all about?"

Egbert asked cheerfully, "During the trial period, all of this counts as points, right?"

Eileen was speechless. So that's why he was being so nice, feeding the cat and making breakfast. He was waiting to impress her!

With a snort, Eileen quipped, "You think you're at school? This isn't an exam. I'm not giving you any hints on what earns or costs points. I'll be the judge of that!"

Egbert fell silent, then said no more, and Eileen continued eating her bagel.


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