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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 305

Though cut off in mid-call, NightKing kept his eyes glued to the monitors, tracking every movement of Egbert and Eileen from afar.

He caught every word they said, his face a mask of stoic coldness, while his underling shrank beside him, pretending to be deaf to the conversation.

NightKing reached for his phone again, but this time he didn't dial Egbert. Instead, he punched in a different number.

When Sylvia came to, she found herself on a plush king-size bed of a hotel room, with Eileen sitting by her side. Blearily sitting up, she rubbed her forehead and called out, "Eileen?"

Eileen, absorbed in her smartphone, set it aside and walked over. "You awake?"

Confused, Sylvia asked, "What... what happened to me?"

Seeing Sylvia's memory was a bit foggy, Eileen's eyes flicked mischievously, and she lied on the spot: "You got carbon monoxide poisoning."

Sylvia stared at her, dumbfounded. She massaged her temples, trying to piece together her memories, and then it hit her. She blurted out excitedly, "No! I was kidnapped!"

Eileen, cornered by Sylvia's sudden recollection, decided to double down on her deception. "No, you’re not. I found you passed out at the bathroom door. I got us a room to let you rest up."

Eileen clung to the story of carbon monoxide poisoning, but Sylvia's memory begged to differ.

Touching her nose, she insisted, "I remember someone covered my mouth from behind, then there was this awful smell, and after a while, I passed out!"

Eileen patted Sylvia's back, offering hollow comfort. "It’s common for victims of carbon monoxide poisoning to hallucinate. You must've imagined it."

Sylvia eyed her skeptically. "Really?"

Eileen nodded earnestly. "Yeah, besides, if it was a kidnapping, what would they want with you? Look at your clothes; they’re untouched."

Sylvia glanced down at her clothes, finding them undisturbed.

Doubting herself, she fell silent for a long while before finally accepting Eileen's explanation and thanking her. "So I really did get carbon monoxide poisoning. You saved my life, Eileen. Thank you."

Relieved that Sylvia bought the story, Eileen replied, "No problem. I'm always happy to help."

Sylvia then asked about the others.

Eileen showed her the phone—it was past midnight. Sylvia had been knocked out by a heavy dose of sleeping pills from evening till now.

Sylvia gasped, "It's so late already. Are we going to stay here tonight?"

Eileen shook her head and replied, "No, we need to get back. Egbert's waiting for me downstairs. I'm married, you know. Can't stay out overnight."

Sylvia was perplexed but was quickly urged by Eileen to get ready and leave.

A few minutes later, they descended to the lobby where Egbert sat in the lounge area, his face masked, engrossed in a magazine.

Eileen dashed over to him, with Sylvia trailing behind, her discomfort apparent. As they prepared to leave, Sylvia mentioned they hadn't checked out and that Eileen had the room key.


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