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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 304

Eileen's hands trembled with barely contained fury as she clutched her phone so tightly it seemed it might shatter into a thousand pieces. "That jerk!" she muttered under her breath.

Egbert, cool as a cucumber, took the phone from her shaking hands and glanced at the screen, confirming what he suspected. He saw the video Eileen had sent to NightKing.

In the video, she was defiant with a wild streak stood triumphantly atop two subdued men, taunting the camera with the bravado of someone who had no fear of the kingpin of the criminal underworld.

Lifting his gaze, Egbert's eyes met Eileen's, his expression unreadable. She quickly tried to deflect, "We... we should find Sylvia first!"

Meanwhile, at the Frostsglow Hotel, NightKing placed his phone down, his smirk widening.

His henchman, nervously edging closer, informed him, "Silent Wing has been alerted, we should—"

NightKing silenced him with a glance, and the henchman clamped his mouth shut. After a moment's hesitation, he ventured another question, "Why did Eileen let our guy go?"

NightKing extinguished his cigarette in the ashtray, his voice nonchalant, "Eliminate the impossible, and whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

"Boss, do you think you know who she really is?" the underling asked, seeking wisdom.

NightKing didn't answer directly, simply turning his gaze to the dreary sky outside the window.

Sylvia had been in the private booth just moments ago, and now she had vanished, presumably kidnapped. The background in the video—a stark white bed—suggested she wasn't far. Where else would you find a bed nearby but in one of the hotel's own rooms?

Frostsglow spanned twenty stories—so which room could it be?

Eileen replayed the video and scrutinized it again. Just then, Egbert headed towards the elevator, pressing the button for the twentieth floor. She followed him, puzzled, "Do you know where she is?"

Without a word, Egbert just pushed the button for the top floor. Eileen's eyes narrowed as she looked at the video again. In the final seconds, the camera shook and revealed a glass of water on the bedside table, reflecting a building outside the window. From this, Eileen deduced they were on a high floor, somewhere between the eighteenth and the twentieth.

Zooming in, she observed the proportion of sky to buildings through the window—it was a one-to-one ratio, suggesting the camera was closer to the sky. It had to be the top floor.

On the twentieth floor, they narrowed down the potential rooms based on the orientation of the buildings outside. Fifteen rooms on the right, three suspicious ones after narrowing the angle.

Standing before those three rooms, Eileen pondered aloud, "Which one do you think it is?"

Egbert completely ignored her, taking out his phone to access the hotel's online room booking platform.

After a quick glance, he stopped at the door of room 2021.

Eileen tiptoed to sneak a peek at Egbert's phone and saw that on the booking platform, rooms 2020 and 2023 were both marked as "Rented." With the other two rooms already taken, the remaining room 2021 was obviously the only available option.

At that moment, Egbert stepped aside a bit, hands in his pockets, and coolly looked at Eileen, asking, "Will you do the honors?"

Eileen glanced at him skeptically, "If I actually break in, it won't count as trespassing, right?"

He gave her no response, his expression stoic.

After locating a maintenance cart around the corner, Eileen deftly removed a wheel, extracting a slim metal tool from the axle. She returned, knelt before the electronic lock, and within two minutes, the door clicked open.

Egbert observed her with increasingly darkened eyes, while NightKing, watching through the hotel's surveillance, recognized her technique all too well. Indeed, she was the one he had suspected.


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