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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 319

For a moment, Egbert fell silent. Then, with a gentle light in his eyes, Egbert reached out and firmly grasped both sides of Eileen's waist.

Footsteps echoed from outside; it must be Burton returning.

Eileen quickly pulled away, but Egbert's grip didn't loosen. Furrowing her brow, Eileen warned, "Don't push your luck."

In a calm voice, Egbert replied, "Easier said than done."

Eileen could only mutter in response as the footsteps grew closer. She tried to wriggle free again.

Finally, Egbert looked at her and released his hold.

Eileen stepped back immediately.

Burton walked in with a glass of water and cheerfully offered, "Eileen, here's some water."

Eileen took the glass, casting another sharp glance at Egbert before setting it down. "You all carry on, and I'm heading downstairs."

As she moved to leave, Egbert suddenly caught her hand again.

Watching the scene between Egbert and Eileen, Burton was utterly confused.

Egbert gave Burton a cool glance, causing him to startle and quickly avert his gaze, claiming, "I didn't see anything."

Egbert then turned to Eileen and said, "You heard him, and he saw nothing. Now, give me another kiss to make it clear to him."

With a swift tug, Eileen retrieved her hand and strode towards the door.

Listening to Eileen's fading footsteps, Burton finally turned back to Egbert with a cautious look.

Egbert picked up a book from the table, opened it to a chapter, and asked, "You got this one?"

Burton glanced at the textbook and then at Egbert, fearful that knowing too much could spell trouble, he hastily assured, "Egbert, I won't breathe a word of this."

Egbert casually responded, "No worries. I'd hate for it to be a secret."

Later that day, Eileen and Egbert stayed at the Lopez residence until after dinner. When it came time to eat, Derek finally joined them.

Lifting his glass, Derek announced with a smile, "At last, our family is all together."

Eileen curiously asked, "But what about the other two brothers?"

Opting for a different approach, Derek simply toasted, "Cheers."

Everyone clinked glasses, and Eileen took a sip of the orange juice in her glass before glancing at Egbert, who was drinking mineral water from a corner of the room. Satisfied, she turned her attention back to her meal.

Dinner stretched until 8:30 PM. After the meal, Rosalind, not ready to let Eileen go, pulled Eileen to the couch for fruit.

Somehow, Egbert managed to snag a spot right next to Eileen.

When the Lopez family noticed Egbert seated cozily beside Eileen, it was too late to object. They could only look on with displeasure.

At that moment, Flossie nudged Isabel to go and stir up some trouble.

Isabel scurried over and wedged herself between Egbert and Eileen.

Egbert glanced at her and took a slice of fruit, taking a bite.

Curious, Isabel asked, "Egbert, is the orange sweet?"

Egbert replied, "Too sweet to share."

Isabel, crafty as ever, snatched the fruit right off Egbert's fork and popped it into her mouth, only to screw up her face in sour agony. "So sour," she exclaimed.

Eileen turned at the noise to see Isabel and Egbert's exchange.

Egbert then picked up a fresh orange slice, held it up to Eileen, and offered it to her.

The air suddenly tensed as all eyes turned to watch.

After a moment's hesitation, Eileen took the fruit with her hand and tasted it.

"It's not sour at all. Quite sweet, actually," she confirmed.


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