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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 320

Eileen was seething with a silent rage that could shred Egbert's heart into pieces. Incredulous, she blurted out, "You're heading to Goldvalley City too?"

The filming location for "Feathers of Fate" was in Goldvalley City.

Goldvalley City had recently erected a new film studio complex that offered more competitive rental rates than the long-established ones in the Capital and Silverpeak.

Egbert didn't respond. Just then, the airport PA system announced the final boarding call for passengers bound for Goldvalley City.

Striding ahead, Egbert made his way to board the plane.

Gritting her teeth, Eileen hurried along with Janice to catch up.

Once on the plane, Eileen and Egbert were seated in first-class, while Janice settled into business class.

Eileen, taking her seat, nudged Egbert's arm and demanded, "What the hell are you up to?"

He glanced at her coolly and muttered, "Business."

Eileen frowned at him, skeptical and curious.

The flight from the Capital to Goldvalley City was a three-hour affair.

Upon landing, Eileen and Egbert disembarked through the VIP exit, where Eileen spotted the film crew waiting to greet them.

Janice went to speak with the crew while Eileen turned her head only to find that Egbert had vanished.

Could it really be just a coincidence that they were in the same city? No. It wasn't.

An hour later, in the hotel arranged by the production team, Eileen saw Egbert deep in conversation with director Carrol.

Carrol, a cigarette dangling from his mouth, was shrouded in a haze of smoke. Tall and thin with long hair tied into a topknot, he had the air of a disheveled artist, well into his forties.

Upon seeing Eileen approach, Carrol plucked the cigarette from his lips, tapped off the ash, and beckoned, "Eileen, right? Come over here."

Casting a glance at Egbert, she walked towards the two men and bowed slightly, "Hello, director Carrol."

Carrol took another drag of his cigarette and said, "I heard from Egbert that you two came over on the same flight. Did you plan this little rendezvous?"

Eileen's eyebrows knitted as she looked up at Egbert.

Carrol chuckled, "The E&E duo has been quite the talk of the town. Egbert, you are sneaking onto a reality dating show? That's quite a surprise."

Egbert didn't answer, his voice tinged with irritation, "The smoke's bothering me."

Carrol paused, slightly taken aback, but eventually snuffed out his cigarette, remarking, "You weren't always so fussy."

Muttering to himself, Carrol then said, "Well, since you two know each other, let's cut to the chase. You've both read the script, right? Eileen, you're playing dual roles this time, the secondary female lead, Calliope, and her mother, the Fairy Andromeda."

"Egbert is playing the mortal Evander Moore, who has a fling with Andromeda, making him Calliope's father."

Eileen had skimmed through part of the script and, having seen the movie in a past life, immediately chimed in, "I know, it's like I'm born from a thing with my dad, right?"

Pondering her words, Carrol stroked his chin and mused, "Your description isn't exactly wrong, but it's not quite right either."

Egbert, in a stern voice, clarified, "Calliope and Andromeda are two separate beings."

Eileen shot Egbert a look and huffed, "I know that. Why didn't you say anything on the plane when I asked you?"

Carrol eyed them both, "Is there some sort of tension between you two?"


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