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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 72

The menacing black barrel of a gun was aiming at a man and woman right before it.

Among the three people of different races, holding guns, one Asian man, speaking Japanese with some difficulty, coldly said to Eileen and Egbert, "Don't move!"

Eileen and Egbert glanced at each other, raised their hands, and didn't resist.

The criminals started conversing in the local language.

"Which country's military uniform are they wearing?"

"Are they here to capture us? But they don't seem like it; they're not carrying any weapons."

"You're the interpreter; why don't you ask them?"

The Asian man asked, "Are you in the military?"

Out of the corner of her eye, Eileen noticed that the drone in the sky had flown further away, hiding behind the trees.

She squinted her eyes, then said, "We're from the International Wildlife Rescue Association. We received a signal that a juvenile jaguar, which had been implanted with a tracking chip, was in danger in the northwest of the jungle. Its vital signs are weak, and we're here to rescue it."

The Asian man furrowed his brow and relayed that explanation to his companions.

Eileen carefully listened to their conversation.

Their language skills varied, indicating that they were not from the same country.

What brought them together?

As Eileen was mulling over this, a brown-skinned man with a submachine gun walked over, using the barrel of his gun to flick off Egbert's hat.

Eileen was on alert, ready to take action at any moment.

Egbert suddenly grabbed her wrist and gave her a look, signaling her not to act rashly.

The brown-skinned man furrowed his brow, sizing up Egbert's face.

Then he said to his companions, "Doesn't he look familiar?"

"All foreigners look the same."

"Monkey, take a look."

The man they referred to as Monkey was the only Asian among them.

He also looked at Egbert and said, with some confusion, "He does look a bit like..."

"Egbert!" A woman with short hair and a gray-blue vest at the back suddenly blurted out this name in a less than pleasant language.

Then she walked over with her gun, pointing the barrel at Egbert's neck.

She turned back and excitedly told her companions in a tongue-twister language, "He's the lead actor in a famous movie!"

The brown-skinned man and the Asian man both frowned. Apparently, they were not familiar with movies and were living a life full of hardships.

The woman with short hair had deep features, and her eye sockets were somewhat dark. She greedily traced Egbert's face with her gun, oozing seduction.

Finally, she said contentedly, "I really like him."

A dangerous light flashed in Eileen's eyes.

Egbert sensed that she was about to take action again, frowned, and tightened his grip on her wrist.

Eileen glared at Egbert and finally gritted her teeth, deciding not to act.

The Asian man stepped forward, forcibly pulled away the loose woman, and amid the woman's dissatisfied protests, he said to the brown-skinned man, "It's simpler to kill them."


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