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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 73

In the live stream, comments from the audience were popping up like popcorn.

【What the heck just happened?】

【What's going on? What's going on?】

【A gun????】

【Is this scripted? Is this scripted?】

【Can the officials give us some explanation? What the hell is going on? Who are these people that just appeared?】

Meanwhile, social media was buzzing about the situation.

More and more viewers were drawn in, joining the live stream.

Eileen and Egbert were quickly taken to a makeshift shelter.

There was also a white guy there, waiting outside a tent.

Seeing his comrades return, he stood up, and seeing Eileen and Egbert, he asked in broken English, "What happened?"

The tanned man explained it to him.

After listening, the white guy came over, looked at Egbert and Eileen, and mumbled, "An organization for protecting wildlife?" He was about to throw a punch in Egbert's stomach.

Egbert clenched his lips, trying to control himself from fighting back, and stopped Eileen from retaliating.


The punch didn’t land, and his fist stopped a centimeter away from Egbert's stomach.

The short-haired woman came over, pushed the white man's hand away, and stood in front of Egbert, "I'm taking this one. If you break him, can you afford to pay for it?"

The white man grinned ambiguously, "You don't fancy me, but you fancy him?"

There was a hint of mockery in the white man's eyes, then his gaze shifted to Eileen, "Since you found a new target, I can't return empty-handed."

With that, he reached out to grab Eileen.

"Enough!" the tanned man suddenly shouted. "Tie them up first, put them with the other hostages, and then come for the meeting."

The short-haired woman and the white man looked disappointed, but they still tied Egbert and Eileen up and threw them into the tent where the white man was waiting.

There was also a man tied up in the tent.

He looked very gentle; his hands were tied behind him, and his mouth was covered with black duct tape. He looked frightened when the tent was opened, and he shrank back.

The tent was soon closed.

They could faintly hear the kidnappers whispering outside, but they couldn't hear what they were saying.

Eileen and Egbert both looked at the man.

Seeing their camouflage outfits, the man's eyes lit up, but with his mouth taped, he couldn't speak and could only make "umm umm umm" sounds.

Eileen frowned, "I can't understand what he's saying."

Then, in the next second, her hands suddenly broke free from the ropes that were tying her. She instantly ripped the tape off the man's mouth.

The man hissed in pain!

He immediately covered his mouth, looking surprised at the girl, "Weren't you tied up?"

Eileen ignored him, turned to Egbert, and said, "I'm not untying you. They'll be here soon."

Egbert, who had already untied the ropes and was about to stretch his hand out.

He contemplated for a moment but eventually, tied the ropes back onto his hands.

Eileen asked the Asian man, "Who are you?"

The man looked at their clothes and asked uncertainly, "Are you here on a mission to rescue me?"

Eileen shook her head, feeling that explaining other things was too much of a hassle; she just said, "We're from the International Wildlife Rescue Organization. We came to save the jaguars, and they caught us on the way."

People who work in the forest often wear camouflage, even if they're not soldiers. After all, the color of the camouflage is close to the jungle, which has a certain confusing effect on both humans and animals.

The Asian man looked disappointed, then said, "I'm a scientist."


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