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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 74

Egbert squinted at Eileen, giving her a small smirk, and explained, "I've acted in crime dramas before, so I've had some training. Can you swallow that?"

Eileen pursed her lips in response, choosing not to comment.

The unidentified individual and the white man on the ground didn't move. Eileen approached the unidentified individual.

She swiftly kicked him!

He groaned in pain, breaking out in sweat. He then shot her a nasty glare.

Making sure he couldn't reach his gun, Eileen moved to the white man next, delivering the same swift kick!

Finally, she approached the short-haired woman!

The woman looked back in surprise and asked, "Who the hell are you guys?"

Eileen replied in fluent local language, "We're from the Wildlife Rescue Association."

The woman was taken aback that Eileen knew the local language, but before she could respond, her arms were incapacitated by Eileen’s quick kick.

After tossing the gun on the ground, Eileen glanced at Egbert and then bent down to pick up some ropes and duct tape by the bonfire, using them to tie up and gag the three of them.

Christy, who was in the tent, heard noises but had no idea what was happening.

Just as he was starting to worry, the tent flap swung open.

Eileen from the "Wildlife Rescue Association" came in.

Christy tried to protest, but Eileen quickly removed the tape from his mouth and untied him.

"What happened?" Christy asked anxiously.

"No biggie," Eileen dismissed casually. Seeing the broken glasses in the corner, she asked, "Are these yours?"

Christy nodded, taking the glasses and awkwardly putting them on.

"Let's go," Eileen said.

"Go?" Christy was confused.

Eileen had already started walking out.

Despite her confusion, Christy cautiously followed.

As soon as he stepped outside and saw the situation, he was completely dumbfounded!

The three kidnappers were tied up and tossed in a corner, and a handsome young man in camouflage clothing was sitting by the bonfire with all the firearms collected.

Christy stuttered in shock, "What... What... What just happened?"

Eileen walked over to Egbert, took a look at the firearms, and whistled appreciatively, "Well, these are some high-value weapons."

She picked up a sniper rifle and remarked, "This is a modified shoulder-fired cannon. Worth no less than 10,000 dollars."

Eileen caressed the sniper rifle, almost drooling at the thought of the money it could bring.

Egbert took the gun back, placing it with the others, and said flatly, "All these have to be handed in."

Eileen paused for a moment, then sat next to Egbert, nudging him with her shoulder, and whispered, "No one else is here. As for Christy, we can just beat him up; he won't squeal. Why don't we keep these guns for ourselves, sell them, and split the money fifty-fifty?"

Egbert turned to look at her coldly, "Selling arms illegally is a serious crime. And besides..." He glanced up at the drone in the sky.

Only then did Eileen realize they were being filmed.

She looked up and saw the drone hovering above her, keeping a watchful eye on her every move.

Eileen chuckled awkwardly and explained, "I was just kidding. I'm not the kind of person who's blinded by money. This is all a misunderstanding, a complete misunderstanding!"

The drone flew from her left to her right, scanning her thoroughly.

Eileen quickly bent down to help Egbert gather the firearms.


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