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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 77

The bullet wasn't lodged too deep. After scraping off the monkey's fur, the wound was all exposed.

Eileen fetched some water from the creek and gave the wound a quick clean. Meanwhile, Egbert brought over the Ink Berry.

Eileen crushed one of the berries and squeezed the juice around the wounds of the two monkeys.

The monkeys seemed to be in pain, but they were too weak to struggle.

They just lay there, motionless, looking at Eileen with droopy eyes.

While waiting for the medicine to take effect, Eileen took the time to clean the folding knife.

When she returned, the paralyzing effects of the Ink Berry were almost in full swing, so she made an incision in their skin.

Ink Berry isn't as effective as synthetic anesthetic, so the monkeys started whimpering in pain.

Eileen frowned and told Egbert, "Hold down their hands and feet."

Egbert held down the limbs of the two monkeys as Eileen extracted the bullets from their wounds.

Eileen used the remaining Ink Berry to numb their wounds and lessen their pain.

The whole process took about ten minutes.

Once everything was done, Eileen told Egbert to watch the monkeys, "Don't let them touch their wounds," she instructed, before quickly darting off into the brush on the other side of the creek.

When she returned, she had some medicinal plants in her hand.

She chewed up the plants and applied the paste to the monkeys' wounds. She found some large leaves to act as bandages and used vines to secure them.

After doing all this, Eileen checked the monkeys' vital signs.

Once she confirmed they were both still alive and stable, she finally let out a sigh of relief.

She then said, "Their wounds need stitches, but we don't have a medical kit here. The herbs and Ink Berry have anesthetic and hemostatic effects, but they are wild plants without any refinement, so their effects are limited. Although we've managed to save their lives for now, if they get an infection later, things can still get worse."

Looking up at the two drones in the sky, one was following her and the other was brought by Egbert.

She said, "Send me a set of veterinary surgical tools and antibiotics as soon as possible. If not, contact the local wildlife rescue and ask them to send experts. These monkeys, also known as 'Roloway monkeys,' are endangered species under international protection; we must do everything we can to save them."

Due to the effects of the medication and dehydration, the two monkeys gradually fell asleep.

Eileen then stood up, glancing at the direction where the tanned man had fled.

Speaking to one of the drones she said, "You stay here and watch over these monkeys, don't let other monkeys approach them. If any other monkeys come, scare them off."

Pointing at Egbert she added, "You come with me, I'm not comfortable leaving you here."

With that, she picked up her sniper rifle and chased after the fleeing tanned man.

Egbert followed her with a grin on his face.

Following this, the text contains various comments from people watching:

-[Wow, I don't know how to describe my feelings!]

-[My god! Eileen is a vet!]

-[I can't resist crying after seeing the two monkeys being saved. I just can't resist cute animals!]

-[I told my friends about Eileen, and they all laughed at me. They asked how I could like an artist like her. But I love her, I love Eileen for life!]

-[I once recommended Eileen to my sister, but she laughed at me. After that, I stopped recommending her to others. They all say I'm mad, but they are the ones who are mad. They criticize her without understanding her. Eileen deserves everyone's love! She's the best!]

-[I was originally a fan of Egbert, but now I've fallen for Eileen. I'm sorry Egbert, but Eileen is the one for me now.]

Eileen followed the trail of blood, stepping on the interlaced branches, moving forward step by step.


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