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Defying Fate: The Unstoppable Eileen novel Chapter 78

Fists filled with fury kept pounding on the tanned man.

Not until the man spat blood, his face covered in wounds, kneeling on the ground, unable to open his eyes, did Egbert speak up.

He stepped in, blocking Eileen's hand that was about to swing again.

Eileen looked at him, obviously not done beating him up.

Egbert said, "You're gonna beat him to death, you know."

Eileen retorted, "No way! I didn't aim for any vital points. He's not gonna die. These are just flesh wounds."

Egbert glanced at the man covered in wounds, in unbearable pain.

Silent for a moment, he finally let go of his hand, softly saying, "Alright, keep at it a bit more then."

Both the live-stream audience and the people in the camp were taken aback.

The soldier controlling the drone almost hit a tree out of surprise.

Ten minutes later, Eileen finally had her fill of beating the man.

She took the rope the man had used to bind the monkeys, tied his hands, and started dragging him back.

Egbert noticed she used a military binding method, which surprised him a bit.

They walked for a few minutes, returning to the creek from before.

Eileen squatted down to check on the monkeys. They were still unconscious, their wounds the same as before.

Eileen handed the rope to Egbert, carefully lifting one monkey in each hand, cautious not to touch their wounds.

The tanned man, seeing the rope in Egbert's hands, squinted his eyes and suddenly lunged at Eileen, intending to knock her over and escape.

But just as he took half a step, a sudden sharp pain hit his stomach, and he staggered, throwing up blood.

Eileen turned around and asked, "What's up?"

Egbert, hand behind his back, unclenched his fist, smiled and said, "Nothing."

Eileen glanced at the tanned man, frowning, "Why's he puking blood again?"

Egbert shrugged, "No idea."

The man, not understanding their language, didn't know what they were saying, but looked at Egbert in fear.

Compared to Eileen's fierce punches, Egbert's punches seemed even more powerful!

The tanned man began to tremble.

He was terrified. Who exactly had he messed with!

By the time they returned to the camp, the man didn't attempt to escape anymore.

Hearing the commotion, Burton immediately grabbed his rifle.

Seeing them return, he lowered his gun and quickly came over.

"Mr. Reed! What happened to Eileen..." He didn't finish his sentence when he saw the wild monkeys in Eileen's arms, his face filled with confusion, "What happened?"

Egbert didn't explain, just handed him the rope, saying, "Tie him up with the others."

Taking the rope, Burton finally noticed the man's injuries, asking in surprise, "How'd he end up like this?"

Eileen looked up, annoyed, "I did it. Got a problem with that?"

"..." Burton immediately shook his head, as if it were about to fall off.

He said, "No, absolutely not."

Eileen snapped, "Well, what are you waiting for? Go tie him up!"

Burton immediately went to do as told.

When Burton came back, he saw Eileen sitting by the fire, two monkeys on the ground, checking their wounds.

At that moment, a small helicopter flew over.

It landed, carrying a medical surgery box.


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