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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 1951

Jonathan's irritation with Lambert soared to an extreme, his voice icy as he commanded, "Go and blow up that shrine. I want not a single tile left intact!"

"Mr. Alvis!"

Sylvia hurried over, "I fully understand how you’re feeling right now, but please, try to stay calm.  This isn't the time to stir up trouble. If you blow up the Brennan family's shrine, it’s likely that both Lambert and Raiden will be alerted immediately. If they investigate, they might find clues that could hurt Estelle."

Sylvia's voice was calm and measured, "Stella's 'gone' already, and Estelle will never bring up that name again. Lambert won't find out. But if you go through with the blast, it might only raise his suspicions."

Jonathan's face was as dark as a storm cloud, "Am I just supposed to endure this? "

"For now, I'm afraid you'll have to bear this indignity," Sylvia replied.

Jonathan snuffed out his cigarette in the ashtray and nodded, seething, "Lambert, alright, I'll remember that name!"

He pinched the cigarette butt, his thoughts drifting before he looked up at Boyce, "Who's staying in that building?"

Boyce responded promptly, "Researchers working in the tower."

Jonathan squinted slightly and nodded.

Estelle returned to her villa; Lambert hadn't come back yet as expected, he probably wouldn't return until dawn.

After a shower, she had barely settled into bed when Jonathan's video call came through.

This time, Estelle answered freely, not bothering to adjust her backdrop.

But as the video started, Estelle nearly had a nosebleed.

Jonathan was in the bath, leaning against the tub, his enticing upper body on full display—and particularly, the parts she fancied—all laid bare.

His wet hair dangled before his forehead; his allure was cold and striking. His lips parted slightly, "Did you miss me?"

Estelle held her breath, her voice husky, "We just saw each other."

"Come over!" Jonathan's deep voice held a velvety enticement.


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