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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 1952

Estelle watched as Jonathan's eyelids grew heavy and gently fell shut on the screen, his long lashes casting faint shadows under his weary eyes.

He was truly exhausted.

She understood his anxiety and concern he had been carrying over the past few days, all the restraint he had exhibited—for her.

She knew every facet of his love for her.

Estelle gazed unblinkingly at his sleeping face, a mixture of joy and sorrow swelling in her heart. Overwhelmed, her eyes brimmed with tears as she whispered softly, "Honey, I love you!"

If their time together in the hidden chamber was the awakening of her feelings, a different kind of affection beyond camaraderie, then venturing to J City was a quest to understand those unfamiliar emotions.

But it was only after really being with him and getting to know him that she realized how wonderful he was, and what love really meant.

His love was a transfusion of new blood into her life, a ray of light piercing the gloom of her existence, breathing new life into her.

Estelle tilted her head, admiring his handsome, tranquil features, and couldn't help but smile, her eyes shining like stars.

Jonathan had truly fallen asleep, missing the words that would have thrilled him to ecstasy.

The next morning, as Lambert descended the stairs, he found Alvis and his companion Beverly seated in the living room. They were still wearing the masks from the previous day, as if it was their usual attire.

For some reason, Lambert sensed a tinge of disgust in Alvis's gaze toward him.

He frowned slightly but his face quickly brightened with a smile as he approached, "I apologize for not visiting Mr. Alvis sooner, and now you've had to come to me so early. That's quite remiss of me."

Alvis responded with a detached tone, "No need for apologies. I'm here to discuss the matter of new energy with Mr. Brennan."

Lambert raised an eyebrow, "So, you're interested in new energy as well?"


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