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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 1958

The azure sky stretched endlessly above, with a lively stream meandering below. The grass by the riverbank was lush, and the kingwillow's reflection danced upon the ripples. Across the water, rolling hills spanned into the distance, a vast and wild panorama.

Sylvia made her way to the river's edge, where the water was so clear you could spot the pretty pebbles beneath the surface. A few small fish and crayfish darted playfully in the water.

Could this really be twelve floors underground?

The blonde sat under a sun umbrella, a clean tablecloth spread before her laden with an assortment of fresh fruits and pastries. A double swing sat nearby, evidence of the leisurely times she and Professor Bernard must have spent here.

After sitting for a while, the blonde led Estelle and Sylvia back through the corridor to another door. Stepping through, they were greeted by a sandy beach and the vast ocean, a quintessential summer scene.

The third door opened to an endless golden wheat field, with a wooden watchtower rising above the stalks. A scarecrow perched atop, reminiscent of the rice paddy view Estelle had seen her first night in Citadel; only here, it was even more breathtaking.

The fourth door revealed a winter wonderland, a large ice rink with all the trappings of a professional venue.

So, in this subterranean twelfth layer, one could experience all the seasons without ever stepping outside!

Standing in the winter's frost, Sylvia watched the blonde, who was changing her clothes to ski suit not far away; reaching out her hand, she caught a snowflake and murmured to Estelle, "He's arranged for a woman, the changing seasons. Mr. Raiden must want Professor Bernard to stay here forever."

Estelle's clear eyes reflected the chill of ice and snow, equally piercing.

To betray one's country, team, and to abscond with the fruits of their collective labor to live a life hidden from the sun - was it truly worth it?

No, he must be suffering greatly. And so, she was here to end his pain.

Estelle turned to Sylvia, "It's time to go back."

Illusions, after all, were just that - an escape from reality.


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