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Find Me In Your Labyrinth novel Chapter 1959

Not long after, he noticed Jonathan' glance and quickly diverted his gaze, signaling Mr. Winston to prepare the materials on new energy sources.

Jonathan’s eyes were pensive, harboring unfathomable thoughts.

Back at the temporary villa Jonathan was staying in, Sylvia closed the door and her tone became much more relaxed, "Fancy a drink? How about some wine?"

"No, thanks, a glass of tap water will do!" Estelle said warmly.

"How about some coffee instead? Mr. Raiden sent Mr. Alvis a batch of really fine coffee beans, and they're actually quite good!" Sylvia walked over to the bar table to start making coffee for Estelle.

Estelle sat on a bar stool, watching Sylvia measure the coffee beans, grind them, and proceed with a series of smooth, practiced motions. There were special charm and gentleness in every move she made.

At their first meeting, Estelle had a good impression on her. Back then, she thought her fondness was due to Sylvia being a friend of Magdalen's. But now, she realized it was all about Sylvia's inherent magnetism.

She was seductive, graceful, enchanting to men, and equally likable to women.

Soon, the rich aroma of coffee filled the room. Sylvia came over with two cups of coffee, setting them down on the bar with a soft smile, "I bet we won't even finish our coffee before Mr. Alvis comes back. He's probably half-listening to Mr. Raiden's drivel right now, with his heart already here."

Estelle chuckled lightly, "I'm sorry to have gotten you involved in all this!"

Sylvia shook her head immediately, "No need for apologies. I actually came to find Gab, even a day earlier than Mr. Alvis. I couldn't get into Zion on my own, so really, I should be thanking you!"

"We share the same goal!" Estelle affirmed.

"Exactly. Let's hope we both achieve what we're after soon, and that Gab is safe and sound!" Sylvia raised her coffee cup for a gentle toast with Estelle.


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