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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1092

Phoenix breezed into the lounge. The wedding was about to start any minute now. Reggie was going to escort her to the church. Agnes and Jared had already made their way ahead.

The church wasn't crowded. Even though Agnes recognized a few faces, many were strangers to her. They were people she had seen maybe once at a dinner with her godfather but never really got to know.

Agnes spotted Naylor and Nate right away. They were seated at the front row, on opposite sides of the aisle. Grabbing Jared's hand, Agnes hurried over.

When Naylor turned and saw Agnes, he stood up and waved energetically, "Agnes, over here!" Naylor's voice boomed across the church, his movements exaggerated. Agnes and Jared instantly drew the attention of many in the church. People seated in the front row turned around to look in Agnes's direction.

But upon recognizing a certain individual, Agnes froze in her tracks. She had never thought she would encounter him again in her lifetime, let alone at such an event. It felt as if she were nailed to the floor, her gaze locked and unable to shift away.

Was it five or six years? The details were fuzzy for Agnes. Yet, she remembered clearly. She hadn't even dreamt of him in all these years. It was as if he had been successfully erased from her life. Everything about him seemed like a story from a past life, and their relationship like a tale from someone else's book.

But in this moment, Agnes was struck by a realization. Life was a full circle. Time circled back to the beginning, bringing separated paths together again. Was this a good omen, or the start of another tragedy?

Not just Agnes was stunned. Jared too showed a flicker of disbelief upon seeing the familiar face, his brows knitting together in a mix of shock, displeasure, and then quickly settling back into calm. It took Jared a mere two seconds to process his emotions. Sitting there, Jared had his suspicions confirmed. But Agnes seemed lost, rooted to the spot.

Naylor, still overly animated, waved frantically from his spot. Noticing Agnes's ghost-like expression, he looked puzzled and decided to run over, "Agnes, you're late. Hurry over, the ceremony is about to begin."

That seemed to snap Agnes back to reality. Though she still felt a bit dizzy. Jared took Agnes's hand firmly and walked towards the gathering. He appeared calm, but Agnes's heart was thundering. Not from any special feelings, but sheer surprise. It was like an unexpected hand plunged into the depths of her memory, flinging open Pandora's Box. Agnes was simply too stunned to react immediately.

Jared's hand was dry and warm, pulling Agnes back to the present. Agnes realized there was nothing to be shocked about. Wasn't her life full of unexpected turns already? His presence here was just another drop in the ocean.

Together with Jared, Agnes walked over. Naylor couldn't wait to introduce, "Agnes, have you met Elt yet? This is Elt."


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