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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 1094

Naylor was completely oblivious to the underlying tension, mistaking the pair for friends. That made things even smoother.

"Take your seats, folks," Naylor beckoned, "the wedding's about to kick off."

No sooner had Naylor finished his sentence than the wedding march echoed through the church. Agnes and Jared found their seats. Ironically, Agnes ended up right beside Elton.

The church organ filled the space with its melody. The priest stepped up to the pulpit. Meanwhile, Phenix, in her flowing white gown, made her entrance, arm in arm with Reggie. Reggie, for once, had ditched his usual casual attire for a dashing suit, looking uncharacteristically formal. Phenix, guided by Reggie, slowly made her way down the aisle.

At the end of the red carpet awaited Sean. Sean looked exceptionally handsome today. Naturally tall, he chose not to wear a suit but appeared in military dress, exuding the inherent vigor and commanding presence of a soldier.

Phenix advanced towards the stage, step by step.

"Sean, today I finally become your bride. You know how long I've waited for this day. From today onwards, we can finally be together, for the rest of our lives, forever."

A smile tried to break through Phenix's face, but tears uncontrollably rolled down her cheeks. She had waited far too long for this day. Since she was ten, she had vowed to become his bride. Now at twenty-eight, loving a man for eighteen years, waiting for eighteen years, how could she not cry?

Phenix slowly reached the stage. Reggie gently placed Phenix's hand in Sean's. The look they shared was breathtakingly beautiful, their eyes brimming with love as if the rest of the world vanished, leaving only them.

Sean gently wiped her tears away, whispering, "Silly girl, don't cry. I love to see your smile."

Phenix's face lit up with a radiant smile. To Agnes, it was the most beautiful smile she had ever seen.

The priest brought out the Bible, and they placed their hands on it to take their vows. Then, as they exchanged rings and kissed, countless petals drifted down from above, painting a scene straight out of a fairy tale.

Agnes felt incredibly fortunate to witness this moment. Nothing was more beautiful than seeing two people in love vow to stay together forever.

Her gaze wandered, searching for Kearney. And there he was, not sitting, but standing in a corner of the church, almost concealed behind thick curtains. His expression was a mix of deep sorrow and restraint, his eyes holding a silent endurance. His hands, tucked into his pockets, were clenched tightly.

While everyone basked in the joy of the wedding, Kearney stood alone, the epitome of desolation amidst happiness. Agnes sighed inwardly. Joy often comes hand in hand with sorrow. While some rejoice, others grieve. She hoped her brother would soon heal from this heartbreak.

As Agnes's gaze returned from Kearney, it met Elton's. Their eyes locked, and for a moment, Agnes felt a profound connection.


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