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Heartstrings on Fire novel Chapter 773

Agnes quickly left the television station. hopping into her car and heading for Harmony Hollow.

Once she got in her car, Agnes dialed Jared's number. They had initially planned to catch a movie that evening.

Agnes quickly explained the situation at work. Jared was silent for a moment, then said, "I heard about that elderly couple too. Don't go in there once you arrive, wait for me. I'll accompany you."

Agnes started to decline his offer, but Jared had already ended the call. Agnes sighed helplessly.

Soon, she arrived at Harmony Hollow.

The area was undergoing reconstruction. Large bulldozers were scattered around, grumbling and groaning. There was no way to drive further in.

Agnes got out of her car and walked into the chaos.

The bulldozers were still at work.

A construction worker, wearing a hard hat, approached her and said, "Miss, what are you doing here? This place is dangerous. Please leave immediately."

Agnes pulled out her press badge, "I'm a journalist. I came to interview the Fabians of Harmony Hollow."

The worker replied, "Well, if you're a journalist, you should steer clear of them. That couple is notoriously hostile towards the press. They've even threatened to take down anyone who approaches them. The government is at a loss, what can you reporters do? Go home, miss. It wouldn't be good if anything were to happen to you."

Agnes could only manage a smile, "Sir, this is my job. I have to go in."

Seeing that she was adamant, the worker could only suggest her, "Just be careful, that couple is as tough as old boots, and they have a couple of vicious dogs trained to attack people like you."

Agnes was not deterred. Every situation has a truth, and he Fabians' refusal to leave certainly had a reason. This reason was the truth that Agnes was determined to uncover.

She slowly made her way inside.

Once past the bulldozers, it turned into a quaint little alley. The alley was old and worn. Most of the residents had already moved out. All that remained was the silence, and the Fabians at the very end of the alley.


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