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Marriage Games with a Charming CEO novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90 The Surgical Situation

The surgery took a long time, and Alicia filled her stomach obediently with the bread brought by Edmond.

Edmond let Alicia lean on his should for a little nap, but she was too stressed to fall asleep.

It was the moment when one mind was full of thoughts and could not relax to fall asleep, and neither did she feel like browsing her phone to take her mind off.

After a long time, the sky darkened, and they waited on the bench from morning to night.

Alicia immediately looked up when the light on the operating room door went off.

The door slowly opened, and the doctor and nurse exited from it.

"They are out," Edmond spoke beside Alicia.

Alicia stood up hurriedly and anxiously. When she was to walk up and ask about the situation, her vision suddenly went black, and her whole head became dizzy as she lost her balance.

"Licia!" Edmond called out in panic.


It was already one in the morning that Alicia was finally awake.

Edmond was sitting on the edge of her bed. His eyes were bloodshot, his shirt's top two buttons were undone, his clothes and hair were slightly messy, and he emitted an aura of exhaustion.

Upon seeing Alicia open her eyes, he immediately leaned over to examine her.

"How are you feeling?" Edmond asked in a hoarse and gentle voice.

The first thing that Alicia asked him as soon as she regained consciousness was about her mother's condition, "How is my mother?"

Alicia was genuinely scared, and seeing Edmond's exhaustion overwhelmed her with heaviness.

Edmond was relieved to see that Alicia could speak as he let out a sigh of relief.

"The surgery is over, but she is still in a coma. It will be considered a success if she manages to wake up in the morning." Edmond explained the situation.

She nodded and anxiously wanted to get out of bed.

"Let me go and look at her," Alicia asked.

"At least have some food first. You had just passed out from low blood sugar, and you shouldn't go on with an empty stomach anymore." Edmond stopped her and warned.

Alicia ignored him and lifted the covers, and got out of bed. She staggered on her way to visit her mother, and if it were not for Edmond supporting her, she would already collapse onto the floor.


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