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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 16

In the process of recovering from his small injury, the CEO of Wine&Vibe stayed home for more three days. He did not stop working, as his secretary was always asked to gather the documents and paper works which Chadwick had to check and sign. 
During those three days, Neil accompanied his boss from day to night. Fortunately, Chadwick’s right arm is getting better and tonight, he isn’t wearing his cast anymore. Nonetheless, Neil isn’t happy.
Working as Chadwick’s assistant in his house and helping him do little chores have made him so tired; double than when they are in the office or out in the field. 
‘I remained single for a long time but here I am, taking care of my boss just because of his injury,’ Neil complained while sitting on the couch and staring at his handsome boss, who is sitting on the single sofa. 
Since morning, they have been working non-stop and only paused for meals or when someone had to go to the comfort room. 
Neil felt so unfair. 
Working inside your boss’ house is the most uncomfortable situation for any employee. Even if Chadwick promised that he’ll raise his salary starting from now on, Neil would rather choose to stay in the office rather than being here. To match his boss’ mood, he had to walk on eggshells, making sure he’s behaving properly accordingly to it. 
‘It is because the madam hasn’t come back home yet,’ Neil had his doubts. 
When his boss got discharged from hospital, Adira promised she would take care of Chadwick. 
Playing as the cupid for the two, Neil thought this might be the chance for them to be closer. He knows there’s no love between the two, but he thinks it’s not bad to make it possible. 
Adira, the wife, should be the person who must stay beside Chadwick, not the clueless Isa who doesn’t know where to stand. 
For some reason, even if Isa acts so kindly in front of everyone, Neil hates her. 
Although his boss and Isa have been friends for a very long time, she should still know her limits.
‘That’s why I set them up,’ Neil said inwardly while diverting his gaze back to his boss. ‘I even tightly wrapped his belt that time so madam can help him remove it.’ 
Yes. He is the culprit for making the poor Chadwick asked help from Adira to take his belt off. 
But the next day, the madam called Neil. 
[“Sadly, I cannot take care of my husband. I’ll be busy in work. So I wish for the secretary to come here and take care of my honey.”] 
Something happened. 
Neil guessed that while Chadwick and Adira were together, something must have happened, that’s why Adira stayed out of the house for three days. 
However, when Neil checked Adira’s schedule, he found out that she’s really busy for the newly launch of the company’s wine. 
So he had his doubts.
‘Did madam stay out because she wanted to avoid my boss? Or she’s just busy?’ 
To know the answer, Neil decided to ask his boss. 
His mouth opened, but no words came out. 
Neil changed his mind. 
He realized that there’s no point asking his boss because he’s not a person who is fan of questions and answers. Chadwick is not a talkative person and he always keep his thoughts inside his head. 
Thus, instead of asking Chadwick, Neil thought of another way. 
“Sir…” he started. 
“If you will be going to ask some stupid question, then don’t bother.” 
It was as if Chadwick read Neil’s mind, that he shut him up before he could hear senseless ideas. Chadwick wasn’t looking at his secretary, but he could sense his intense gaze. Actually, Neil has been behaving like this ever since the day one they were together inside this house. 
Chadwick is aware that Neil must be so curious why Adira hasn’t come back home for a long time. 
But he doesn’t have a plan to share. He won’t. He must not. 
“I am not going to ask anything,” Neil murmured. 
“Then why are you opening your mouth instead of looking at the documents? If you will slack from work, you better not breathe too.” 
“Sir,” Neil called him again. “Madam Adira is working on the Crimson Meadow newly launch wine.”
Chadwick suddenly stopped from flipping the documents before him. 
Neil saw him flinch. He looked at the documents in Chadwick’s hands, and back to his boss’ stern reaction. Then he continued. 
“That’s the reason why she did not come back home for 3 days, right? She must be so busy.” 
“Ahhhhh~ I respect madam so much. She’s really hardworking.” 
Abruptly, Chadwick clenched his hands around the thin papers and his veins popped from the back of his hands to his arms. 
‘I knew it. Something happened,’ Neil was so convinced while watching his boss. 
Actually, Chadwick purposely did not try to find out why Adira has been out for three days since that night they kissed. Because he wanted to hold firmly to the belief that she’s just acting like this because she’s busy. It was not because she’s avoiding him but because she’s so drowned in her work that she forgot she has home to stay during night. 
However, although Neil informed her that she’s busy for real, why do his feelings did not do any better? 
He’s frustrated.  
Even if adira is so busy, Chadwick demands for her to go home and talk to him about the incident. 
If he was really drunk that night and everything was just purely a mistake because he’s under the influence of alcohol, Chadwick will forget everything and blame his foolishness.
But Adira lied. 
When Chadwick checked the trash bin, he saw the bottle of the cocktail. To his surprise, the cocktail which supposed to be alcoholic, does not really have an alcohol content! 
Then what was that?!
Did Adira really succeed on seducing him that even if he’s working so hard, she always stays there inside my mind? Imagining how hot they kiss was, and how small she looked around his arms? 
Chadwick bit his lower lip and roughly messed his bangs with a groan. 
He tried so hard to divert his thoughts, but at the end of the day, he found himself waiting for his wife’s return.  
‘I couldn’t believe this. For the past six months, I did my best to avoid my wife but look at me, waiting for her like an idiot,’ he told to himself. 
Suddenly, they heard the door bell rang. 
Ding dong~ Ding dong~ 
Both Chadwick and Neil looked at the door. 
Neil will agree that his boss is way smarter than him. Isn’t Chadwick’s intellect the reason why he was renowned at the one of the most successful CEO of today’s times? 
But tonight, Neil might outsmart his boss. 
When they both looked at the door, they had different guess in their heads. 
There’s no way that the owner, Adira, will press the doorbell instead of going inside. And so, Neil thought that there was another guest who came this late at night. And he had bad premonition. 
Meanwhile, Chadwick, who really wanted to see his wife at this moment had his deduction ability loss for a second. 
He rushed towards the door after dropping the documents and opened it. 
Neil is right. 
Chadwick is wrong. 
As soon as he opened it, he did not see the woman he’s been waiting, but the woman he loves for long years. 
“Hello,” Isa greeted. 
Neil frowned at the sight. Now he understands why he had a bad premonition just now. 
“I-Isa,” Chadwick called. “What are you doing here?” 
“Well, I came here to know if you finally recovered.” 
From behind, Neil rolled his eyes.
He could not believe that Isa did not just take care of Chadwick in the hospital, but even dared to come in the couple’s house.
‘This wick woman,’ Neil cursed inwardly, but kept his words hidden at the tip of his tongue. 
Tell him biased, Neil will gladly accept it. There’s no way a mistress will look good in front of everyone. Even he is his boss’ people, Neil has an upright attitude.
‘My boss is stupid. So stupid,’ he added while looking at the back of Chadwick. 
“But actually, I came here to visit your wife,” Isa said after the long silence. 
Chadwick had his eyes wide open, while Neil keeps on frowning. 
How sly for her to look for Adira?! Neil had these thoughts. But Chadwick thinks differently. 
Because he always sees Isa in bright side, he could not avoid suspecting at this weird set up, thinking that his wife is planning something again. 
“I asked Adira if we can go out and eat together,” Isa explained. “But she invited me to the house instead. And so…” 
Isa showed the box she brought. 
“I bought a cake for her.”
Chadwick looked at the box and Isa’s sweet smile. He does not want his wife and Isa to become closer, but seeing Isa’s sincere approach, he does not know what to do anymore. Questions piled up in his head that he can no longer think straight. 
‘Why would Adira invite Isa even if she knows that I have feelings for Isa? Did she finally think of revenging? Did she plan something to harm her?’ 
In the middle of his messy conclusions, Isa’s voice woke him up. 
“Where is she anyway? Is she inside?” Isa asked, looking around until she saw Neil on the couch. “Oh? Your secretary is here.” 
Neil forced himself to smile at her. 
“Hello secretary Neil! Nice seeing you here!” Isa greeted very energetically. 
“I am not happy to see you here though,” Neil whispered, enough for him to hear only. 
Isa, who did not hear what Neil said, looked back at Chadwick and beamed widely. “It’s good thing that I bought a cake. So, everyone can have a little sugar after working so hard.” 
“Actually, my wife… I mean, Adira is still not here,” Chadwick informed. 
“Really? Then I will wait for her.” 
Even without Chadwick’s consent, Isa walked inside with the cake box in her hand. 
“You won’t mind if I touch the kitchen, right?” she asked while walking towards the kitchen. 
Watching her, Neil gaped hardly. 
He sees Isa as the woman who walked around another couple’s house so shamelessly.
‘Even if she is my boss’ friend, this is not right!’ Neil screamed internally. 
Not only that, Isa is also willing to stay inside alone with two men; one is married and one is single. 
This is not a company where two men and a woman can hang out together in one space. 
Neil’s anger ring in his ears as he looked back at Chadwick’s back. His stupid boss is still standing beside the entrance. 
Now Neil understands while Adira isn’t coming back home. Because there’s no way a woman will stay still after getting this kind of treatment. He could imagine how frustrated Adira must be while being with a husband who loves another woman.
If only he could smack his boss, he would! But he can’t. 
At this moment, Neil pities Adira so much. If she gets hurt like this, then Neil thought of a silly idea inside his head. 
‘I hope madam to find another man she deserves.’ 
Neil’s silent words became a devil’s whisper. He really did not mean for it to happen, but fate is too wick. 
Because there is already a man who saw Adira’s worth from the beginning.
“Tsssk, my brother is not answering my call again,” Isa complained while in the kitchen.
She placed the box of cake at the side and stared at her phone. 
“Where are you? Why aren’t you picking up my call?” she murmured while looking at her step-brother’s name on the screen ; Geoffrey. 
Isa already knows that her playboy stepbrother must be busy dating another women just to avoid her. But there’s a secret she does not know. A secret that will worsen their relationship: her, Chadwick, Geoffrey and the nonchalant Adira.


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