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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 24

Adira drank hangover medicine to ease her headache. She’s a heavy drinker but that doesn’t mean the side effect of drinking so much won’t work in her body. 
“I should have slept more,” she murmured while massaging her temples. 
Her secretary, Hansel, looked at her boss and asked, “Did you drink last night?” 
“Yeah. So, it’s fortunate that I finished all of my work yesterday. Now I can slack off.” 
Adira rested her back comfortably in her office chair and placed her hands on the arm rest. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths, as if to meditate. 
She is still as pretty as ever. However, Hansel could see the fatigue on Adira’s face, and she could not help it but worry about her. 
“Ahhh, right,” Adira said, as if she remembered something. She opened her eyes and stared at her secretary. 
“Yes ma’am?” 
“Was it you who told miss Marie about my birthday?” 
Hansel stayed rooted at her place without moving. 
“I knew it. It is indeed Hansel,” Adira said, swaying left and right on her chair. 
Adira hates celebrating her birthday or even receiving gifts. That is why Hansel could not greet her or give her a gift even if she wanted to. Therefore, Hansel thought that if she shared the information with the head of the orphanage, they might give Adira a gift or a greeting. 
Hansel bowed her head to Adira and quickly apologized. 
“S-Sorry, president. I just…” 
“No. Don’t apologize.” 
Hansel lifted her head and stared at her smiling boss. 
“In fact, I wanted to thank you.” 
“M-Me?” Hansel stuttered as she pointed at herself. 
“Hmmm,” Adira hummed with a nod. “Because of you, I received a very special gift. So, thank you so much, Hansel.” 
That gave Hansel the sweetest pang she had ever felt. She was apologetic but now, she does not regret sharing the information with other people who can make Adira realize how joyful it feels to receive love and gifts. 
Hansel felt so distant from Adira when she started to work as a secretary. But as time passed by, she could feel that she was growing closer to her boss, and that’s why she’s getting more worried about Adira. 
“Actually, I also wanted to give you a gift. But I don’t know if you will like it,” Hansel added while fidgeting her fingers behind her back. 
She looks like a cute rabbit who came inside the den to befriend a beast. Adira finds her so cute. 
“It’s okay,” Adira spoke while giggling. “My husband did not even give me a gift.” 
Hansel’s fingers ceased as she looked back at Adira’s face. 
This is what she’s worried about. Hansel knew that Adira’s relationship with her husband wasn’t great. Since Adira’s said she wanted to slack off from working today, Hansel thought she can also cross the line of a worker. She really wanted to know if Adira is feeling fine. 
“President, can I ask something?” 
“Sure. You did great so I will allow you.” 
Hansel gulped first, before she continued. 
“You said that your husband did not give you a gift. Is your relationship with him did not progress?” 
Adira opened and closed her lips several times. 
She gave a calculative smile to Hansel then responded, “Is it that obvious?” 
It is. 
Everyday, Hansel can tell that Adira and Chadwick’s relationship isn’t progressing. 
Nowadays, Adira stays more inside her office and she does not want to go home. Then she always visits her favorite bar to drink, just like what she did yesterday. Even if Adira does not admit it, Hansel can tell that her boss is under stress too. 
“Because Ma’am loves staying in her office,” Hansel said to Adira. 
“Hmmm, you’re right. There are so many works, so I had to stay,” Adira agreed. 
“But I mean…  president you… You seemed like you purposely avoiding going home.” 
At first, Adira could not really go home because she was busy. But after the kiss she had with Chadwick…
‘I see. I had to admit that I really avoided my husband,’ Adira realized. 
“Yes, I don’t want to go home because I am tired from work,” Adira answered to Hansel. “No matter how cool I am, there are things that tired me out. For example…” 
Adira recalled how Chadwick hugged Isa in front of her and how he wrapped the red blanket around Isa’s  shoulder. 
“When my husband brought his woman in the house, I don’t really care,” Adira continued. “But somehow, it tired me out.” She ended it with a smile. 
Hansel knew that Adira and Chadwick only got married for business purposes.
‘But bringing his woman in their home?!’ Hansel shouted inwardly. 
Great fury consumed Hansel as she imagined how mean the situation is for Adira. When she recalled the story that Adira told her before, she turned even redder. 
“Then ma’am, the story you asked me, about how will I feel if I found out that my husband likes someone else and he even brought his woman inside our house, then did you ask me because it happened to you?” 
“Hansel is smart. I know that you already knew this before.” 
“I d-do but if I hear it again from ma’am, that means your husband keeps doing it.” 
“I’m fine,” Adira said. 
“No! It is not okay, ma’am.” 
Adira placed her elbows on the table and rested her chin on the back of her hands. She looked at Hansel, as if she was curious on the argument that she will hear, and that Hansel should convince her why it is not okay to feel okay. 
“Your husband brought the woman he loves in your house?! P-President, how did you… I mean, w-why… I get it that you and him only married for business purposes. But this is too much. He’s too much.” 
There were times when Adira also blamed Chadwick for being fool. But at the same time, she praised him for that. 
“He is disrespecting you, ma’am!” Hansel added, catching her breath. She is so mad she wanted to punch the so-said disrespectful husband, if Hansel ever saw him.   But unlike her, her boss stayed nonchalantly at her place. 
‘Why? Why can’t you see how wrong he is?’ Hansel pondered while she was staring at Adira. 
“Hansel,” Adira murmured with a voice resounded like the prelude of a flute. “The most disrespectful thing is the situation.” 
Hansel stopped to listen. 
“I was all alone and happy to be alone before I married him,” Adira said. 
It’s true. Adira was contented in her life being alone while working. 
But one day, she heard from her father that a business partner suggested a marriage partnership and that she must do her responsibility as her daughter by marrying someone. That’s when Adira realized that maybe it is the time for her to fulfill her dream of having a child. That’s all. She does not wish for more than having a baby. 
But how about Chadwick? 
What are the things that Chadwick had to sacrifice just for the sake of his responsibilities?
“We were forced to get wed even though he is so deeply in love with another woman,” Adira uttered. 
The thing Adira had to sacrifice is none other than love. He chose responsibility over love. 
“Who disrespected us? The situation did. “ 
If ever the arranged marriage did not exist, then Chadwick can pursue the woman he loves and live freely. Adira knew that the situations are the real villain to their relationship.
“Someone like me would never understand how crazy it feels to fall in love,” she added. “But I am sure, my husband felt so devastated after our marriage. So, I can’t blame him. I can’t blame a person who can do something I cannot do.” 
“S-So, you can understand your husband?” Hansel asked.
“Maybe? And I probably saluted him for being loyal.” 
Because if Chadwick isn’t loyal, then he should have fallen for her seduction already. But now, he is still into Isa, that’s what Adira believes until now. 
So, she said, “I guess true love does exist.” 
True love does exist for other people. Sadly, Adira thinks she is not on the list. 
“Even though it did not visit me for long years. Cupid must be so lazy when I was born.” 
Hansel wanted to say more to her but when she saw the sweet beam on Adira’s lips, she knew that there’s no use convincing her anymore. 
These are Adira’s sincere thoughts. But she can’t say these to her husband. 
‘I don’t want him to know that I hold highly of his stupid love,’ Adira said to herself.
However, outside the office, they heard a loud voice which said the name of the person whom Adira was referring to a moment ago. 
“Oh?! Sir Chadwick McElroy!”
Hansel and Adira looked at each other. 
Inside the office, Chadwick sat next close to his wife while doing his best to hide the paper-bag behind his back. 
‘It feels so awkward to be here after hearing everything Adira said before. Damn it,’ Chadwick shouted inside his brain. 
Adira was also shocked, for she does not want Chadwick to hear what she said before, but since she cannot do anything about it, she just let the worries go. With serene expression, Adira is sitting beside him to greet her guest. 
“Ma’am Adira, you look so pretty in person,” the reporter, Jaymee Alcott, praised. 
Jaymee Alcott is a reporter and a famous journalist who writes articles about love and relationship. She’s very influential among people nowadays and has many connections. Therefore, Adira could not force her out of her company so she can protect the image of Crimson Meadow. 
“Thank you,” Adira replied. 
“And Sir Chadwick McElroy too,” Jaymee said. “You look more handsome in person.” 
Chadwick forged a smile to the person responsible for this awkward meeting. If it wasn’t for Jaymee, he would have succeeded his escape a moment ago. 
“You two look so lovely together. I am getting jealous.” 
Both Adira and Chadwick released a business-like laugh. They are pretending to be a sweet couple in front of the media so they should pretend that they are really in love with each other right now, especially to the expert sitting before them. 
“I am sure miss Jaymee also holds someone special in her life,” Adira gave an intelligent answer. 
Jaymee blushed. She cupped her cheeks and said, “It seems it is really hard to hide your happy expression when you are in love.”
Jaymee looked at Adira’s complexion and noticed that she was a bit pale.
“However, Ma’am Adira looks a little pale right now.
She said that out of concern.
Then she added a tease, “Don’t tell me, Mister McElroy doesn’t take care of you?” 
Adira and Chadwick glanced at each other very quickly. Adira turned her head back to Jaymee and raised the corners of her lips. 
“My husband takes care of me every day,” Adira said. “I just got tired because last night, my husband was full of energy.” 
Chadwick turned red. He understood what those words meant!
‘This woman…!’ he protested inwardly as he gawked sharply at his wife. 
“Oh my! Oh my!” Jaymee gasped. “Does it mean that the news about your healthy and sexy relationship is true?!” 
Adira recalled how Chadwick pushed her out so far, and how many times she saw him together with Isa. Their relationship isn’t healthy at all. Fortunately, Isa is a master when it comes to lying. 
“Yes, it’s true.” 
“Great!” Jaymee praised with a clap. “Actually, the reason why I came to visit is because of the article I saw a few days ago. An article about how you two are deeply in love with each other spike me an inspiration to make a new magazine.” 
The married couple flinched in their seats. 
If there will be an article about them, that means they had to act more than before. So they could not respond quickly to Jaymee’s offer, even if it will help promote their companies and the new project they are working on together. 
“I promise to promote both of the companies,” Jaymee said, as if she could read their minds. 
She won’t be a famous journalist if she doesn’t know how to use some tactics in her job. 
“And there will be a new project between the two companies, right?” 
“There is,” Adira answered. 
“So, the article will help. Besides, there are fake rumors that you two aren’t really in love and everything is just for business. With this, we can eradicate those rumors with this. Right?” 
Yes. Jaymee’s offers are really good. But there’s one problem. 
“What should we do?” Adira asked. 
“Ahhh, we wanted to see how you spent each time together. So, if it possible, we hope to see you date for one day.” 
That is the problem. 
Adira and Chadwick never dated before. 
‘And I am sure Chadwick won’t agree to this,’ Adira believed. 
So even if the offers are great, she knows they have to decline. 
“That’s a good offer but…” 
“We will do it.” 
Adira looked at her husband who suddenly spoke. 
“Dating for one day, we will do it,” Chadwick said. 
Why did her husband suddenly agree? 
Adira does not know what’s going inside her husband’s mind, as well as she doesn’t know anything about the gift that Chadwick is hiding behind his back.


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