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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 30

The staff went on panic after they got the report that one of the playing ghosts has lost his consciousness after getting punched by Adira. 
This is the first time something like that has happened.
The unconscious ghost was brought in the amusement park clinic. Jaymee apologized to the staff which were disturbed.
Chadwick and Adira promised that they will pay for the damage and give reimbursement. Fortunately, the ghost wasn’t heavily injured. 
In the clinic lobby, Chadwick and Adira are sitting side by side while waiting. Adira’s lawyer came rushing into the scene and is now making a deal with the staff. Of course, Adira did not forget to apologize to everyone, as well as the unconscious staff she punched.
“The journalist said that she won’t put this incident into the article,” Chadwick said. 
“I hope so. It will be troublesome to go to work if the news spread; that I, the CEO of Crimson Meadow, punched a ghost inside the horror house,” Adira replied. 
“Seriously, why did you do that?” 
With crossed arms, Adira stared at Chadwick. “It is something I cannot control. Just like when you screamed loudly back there.” 
Chadwick zipped his mouth closed and leaned on the wall. He’s so embarrassed for screaming like that in front of his wife. 
Anyway, the date in the amusement park was ruined, that is what Chadwick thinks. He did his best to give Adira a date where she could enjoy.
‘But in the end, the date was r…’ 
Chadwick got stunned when his wife suddenly laughed. 
“This date is so weird,” she said without looking back at him. 
Yes, it is. 
This is also the first time Chadwick saw someone knocked out another person, right before his eyes. 
“It’s the worst, right?” he replied with a sigh. He looked down on his fingers above his lap and folded them one after another. 
“Unlike before,” Adira responded, “this is more fun than the boring date this morning.” 
It was another way of Adira saying that she enjoyed the date. 
Unable to believe it, Chadwick lifted his head and stared at her face. 
Chadwick’s eyes went round. 
He just saw Adira smiling at him with her luscious lips, like dewy dripping honey, a bottle  elixir of a magical delight. 
The brightness of her eyes lit up the room, as well as her warm and inviting smile which resembles the long awaited summer breeze. The beam on her beautiful face was like a glacier among wildflower and chilled his to the bone. 
Rays of glee broke through his overcast heart. And then, there is a new sky, new world which brought to like. 
The enticement smoldered inside his chest as he stared deeply at the sincerest smile he had received from his wife. 
Then suddenly, mingled feelings rose at the admiration he had for Adira. As the face before him was presented to his gaze, he stopped breathing for the space of several thudding musical heartbeats. 
He’s in love with her. 
As the time passes by, Chadwick is getting convinced that he is indeed enticed by the woman he hated before. 
Two hours passed. 
The once salmon and lavender sky transformed into a vast expanse of jet-black, the night laid down on a blanket of darkness.
It was nighttime when Chadwick and Adira finished fixing the accident they created this afternoon. 
As they went out of the clinic, they both tilted their heads skyward and could see the black sky, the think clouds shaded the luminous moon from time to time, but there were no stars. 
“We wasted a lot of time, thanks to you,” Chadwick blamed his wife as he looked at the rides before them. 
Thankfully, the journalist and her photographer haven’t arrived at their side yet, so they can talk at ease. 
“Too bad. I wanted to go for a ride,” Adira said. “But the thrills, excitement and adrenaline rush that I’ve been looking for had already drained after I punched the ghost,” she added. 
Both of them looked at the lively atmosphere created by all of the visitors of the theme park. Music can be heard in the background from live concerts. Lights flash all over the place from carnival games. Some had fun riding the rollercoasters, while others found joy just by watching from beneath to see the rides moving as fast as cars speeding on the high way. 
Among the beautiful sights before them, Adira’s eyes fixed at the large wheel located at the end of the park. It is the most beautiful attraction of the theme park itself. 
Chadwick, who noticed her eyes, smiled in secret as he found it cute how Adira can look like a curious kid who was brought here for the first time.
Therefore, he secretly tried to fulfill her silent wish. 
“Before we go, shall we ride the Ferris wheel?”
Adira did not hesitate to answer. 
“Let’s go.” 
With that, the two of them enter one of the capsules of the large wheel. The journalist and her photographer couldn’t go with them, so they left the two alone. Besides, since this is the last course of their date, Jaymee thought that it would be the best to let Chadwick and Adira enjoy by themselves. 
The wheel began to move, and their capsule went upward. 
Many said that the biggest thing the Ferris wheel can exploit to make the ride fun is people’s fear of heights. The loading and unloading part leave you high in the air with the seat rocking, which can be a little scary for some. You will go around a few times and then stay motionless in the seats for a long time while they load and unload cars below you. 
However, no one among Chadwick and Adira is afraid of heights. Therefore, the ride became a perfect situation where can just enjoy the better view above. 
As the capsule went up and up, Adira took the chance to stare at the tall buildings and structure beneath. In the night, it seems the stars fell on the ground, and making a bright color of pink, blue and yellow, encasing the town. 
It is so beautiful; it appears surreal in her eyes. 
Gaping at the enchanted scenery, she feels so excited, like a small child that has sweets inside her mouth. 
The movement of the Ferris Wheel stopped. She tucked her red hair behind her ear as she turned her head towards the man behind. 
Chadwick and Adira’s gaze met. 
Staring at each other for a long time, Chadwick had the chance to appreciate more of her beauty. 
Adira is a gorgeous woman, perhaps the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Her hair is a sunset red color; it almost reminded him of the color of the sunset dawn he saw when he went to Hawaii for business trip. As he looked at her hair, he noticed the way the light catches in it and it shimmers as it flows with her every move. His eyes were drawn to the fact that her hair is very lengthy reaching down to the middle of her torso, so long in fact that it almost caresses the small of her back. 
‘How come I just noticed how lovely his wife is when they are always together for six months?’ 
“Riding a Ferris wheel is more fun than I thought,” she said to him. 
He can see in her lovely eyes that she enjoyed the date. 
Chadwick had to admit that he also enjoyed this. 
But after the date, they will go back to their normal activities as a couple who only married each other for business purposes. 
If ever, there might be a chance that Adira would stay at her office every night, and if that really happened, then Chadwick will lose his chance to fix their recent misunderstanding. 
And so, thanking the heaven for giving him the opportunity to talk with her in place where they can be alone, Chadwick took the courage and spoke. 
Adira did not reply and just stared straight at her husband. 
“I did not know that the red blanket is a gift from the kids in the orphanage. But I used them without your consent. I am sorry, Adira.” 
Once again, Adira stayed wordless.
A moment of silence swept the small space. 
The Ferris wheel moved again and this time, their capsule is descending. 
Chadwick wanted to bring up that he has a gift too for her birthday. But somehow, he thinks the time is so short. 
“If you really wanted to apologize,” Adira suddenly spoke. 
He looked at her and met her serious gaze. 
“Then have a sex with me.” 
Chadwick’s mouth opened then closed. Opened and closed. Then his lips trembled a bit. 
He cannot refute anything. 
He promised before that he will only have a sex with someone whom he truly loves. And so, he’s so confident that there won’t be a day when he will do it will Adira. 
But what about now? 
He admitted he already likes Adira. So, is it still necessary to decline her offer? 
‘But Adira… does not like me. She has no feelings for me,’ Chadwick told himself. Standing in front of Adira, he shoved his hand inside his pockets and made fists. 
Then the capsule went down on the ground. 
Their conversation ended just like that. Adira is so used of this situation when Chadwick pushes her away whenever she asks him to have a sex. Tonight, Chadwick did not decline her offer or even call her crazy but his silent treatment is enough for Adira to understand; yet, she did not know what his real thoughts are. 
“Thank you so much for letting us join your date. We had so much fun accompanying you,” Jaymee said to the couple with handshakes. 
“Our pleasure. I hope we did not bore you,” Adira said as she laid a business-like smile towards her. 
“Oh no! Not really,” Jaymee disagreed, chuckling. “How can I get bored when there is someone who punched and knocked out a ghost?” 
Adira laughed. “Please don’t write that on your article, miss Jaymee.” 
“I promised.” 
Jaymee stared at Chadwick, who’s been quiet since they exited the Ferris Wheel capsule he rode with Adira before. 
“Mr. McElroy,” she called. 
Chadwick looked back at her and forced a smile on his lips. “Yes, Miss Jaymee?” 
“Please look forward to the article that I will write. I will show to the world the pure love between you and your wife.” 
Pure love?
Adira couldn’t believe that they succeeded in fooling Jaymee for believing that she and her husband do love each other. However, she did not know that the pure love that Jaymee was talking about is a secret emotion that she has yet to discover. 
[“Your eyes can’t lie”] Jaymee mouthed to Chadwick, which made his eyes wide opened. 
Jaymeee found his feelings that fast! He was so dumbfounded that he quickly avoided her gaze and forged coughs countless times. 
After that, Jaymee and her photographer left the two alone. 
“Our job is done here,” Adira told Chadwick. “Shall we go home?” 
Chadwick will say yes. But he got an important call. 
“Wait a minute. I’ll answer this first.” 
He stepped away from Adira and then picked up the call from his secretary. 
“Hello, Neil?” 
Adira watched his back fade in the middle of the crowd. She stayed in her position, watching people walk and pass by. 
If only she had brought her car along with her, she might have already left Chadwick and gone home first. But she came here with her husband, and so she had to go back with him too. 
She sighed a few times. 
Today is more tiring than the days she spent working an all-nighter inside her office. But still, she had fun. 
While Adira was waiting alone for her husband to come back, a boy suddenly approached her side. 
She looked down and saw a cute little boy with a flower in his hand. 
“This is for you,” the boy said. 
“For me?”
He gave the red rose to Adira and she accepted it with whole heart, since the little boy is so lovely. 
“Mario asked me to give it to you,” the boy informed before he suddenly ran away, since he finished his  job. 
“Mario?” Adira murmured. “Who is Mario?” 
Adira lifted her gaze. As soon as she did, she saw a mascot looking at her. It is Mario from Super Mario game. 
“Oh? It’s really Mario,” Adira said with a laugh. 
Feeling delighted at the gift she received, Adira walked closer to the mascot who was still staring at her. 
“Hey Mario,” Adira greeted. She stood in front of the huge mascot and showed the flower in her hand. “I heard you are the one who gave me this.”  
The huge head of the mascot nodded at Adira. 
“Thank you so much,” she said. “It feels good to receive a flower from the character that I love.” 
The person inside the mascot flinched after hearing her words. He put his hand behind his back and clenched his fists.


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