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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 33

Everyone in the company knows that Chadwick is a charismatic and cool CEO. He talks and moves elegantly wherever he goes. Thus, to match the attractive boss, Neil tried his hardest to appear as cool as Chadwick. 
“Good morning, secretary Neil,” an employee greeted him while he was inside the elevator. 
He’s on his way to Chadwick office. 
Neil looked back at the employees standing behind him. He smiled elegantly, gently bowed his head, and greeted, “Good morning.” 
He pinned the magazine he was holding between his arm and waist. When the employees saw the magazine’s cover, one of them pointed at the magazine and exclaimed. 
“Oh! There’s an article about the CEO and his wife! I also read that before!” 
All the passengers inside the elevator, including Neil, stared at the excited female employee who failed to contain her emotion. 
“Our president is so sweet! He’s really in love with his wife and…” 
The female employee did not continue when she noticed the gaze from around. It took her seconds to realize her mistake. 
“Ahem,” Neil forged a cough. 
Others tilted their heads to the other sides as to play ignorant. 
“Miss…” Neil spoke. He glanced at the employee’s ID to look for her name, then back at the face of the pale lady. “Bridgette Holmes. It’s commendable that you are reading an article about our CEO to support him. However, please refrain from over expressing your emotions. The behavior just shows did not justify the dignity of our company and our president. Do you understand?” 
Bridgette bowed her head down and apologized. 
“Y-Yes, Sir Neil. I will take note of that.” 
The elevator opened with a clang. 
Neil exited first. He elegantly walked on the hallway and greeted all employees he met with a small smile and a nod. 
He was oozing with poise and exquisite aura, not until he arrived inside his office room. 
A bright ear to eat smile stretched his lips wide opened. His shining round eyes stared at the CEO’s room before he dashed forward with heavy jolt. 
“President! President!” he shouted loudly as he entered the CEO office. 
Catching his breath, Neil looked at his cool boss, who’s currently sitting in front of his desk and working. 
Chadwick rolled his eyes at the funny sight of Neil. His secretary looks like a bug crawling inside his office with a menacing smile on his lips. 
“Sir! The magazine is out!” Neil informed with full energy. He ran towards Chadwick while holding the magazine in both of his hands. 
Chadwick massaged his temples while he asked, “What magazine?” 
“The magazine that has article about you and Madam Adira.” 
The nonchalant eyes of Chadwick went bigger with enthusiasm. As fast as light, he snatched the magazine from Neil and searched for the article written by Jaymee. 
“Sir, I saw the pictures of you and Madam Adira and I can’t believe how great your acting skills are! You two look so lovely in every picture! As if you really are in love.” 
Ignoring Neil, Chadwick continued his search until he found it. The title of the article is: “How the two CEO enjoyed their life as married couple” 
He skimmed the words in the article and stared at the pictures on each page. It has a picture of his breakfast with Adira in the restaurant, when they watched musical in theatre, when they were looking at the painting, they were eating in the streets, watching in cinema, skating, and wearing headbands in the amusement park. 
Thankfully, there is no information about how Adira put a ghost in sleep in the horror house. 
All in all, the article wrote about how the rich couple enjoy even the most simple dates that any normal people can. In the end of the article, Jaymee said that he could really see how Chadwick love her wife and felt a bit envious. She added that all women might feel the same, seeing how handsome and perfect Chadwick is. 
“The article is really good!” Neil said after he saw Chadwick finished reading it. “It only tells good things about you and Madam. And, they also promote the upcoming project we have with Crimson Meadow. 
Staying wordless, Chadwick once again stared at his picture with Adira. 
‘My eyes show that I love her?’ he asked himself. 
When he observed his picture, the shot when he’s staring at Adira while they were wearing headband, he was convinced that Jaymee only wrote the fact. 
He wasn’t acting during their dates, and he was really sincere that time. 
“Neil,” he called his secretary while looking at the picture. 
“Yes, Sir?” 
“Please give me a scissor.” 
Chadwick stared into his eyes and repeated his command. “Give me a scissor.” 
Automatically, Neil shook his head. It was because he thought that Chadwick is asking him to give him a scissor because Chadwick wanted to get rid of the magazine as soon as possible. 
“No! You can’t do that!” Neil said with a disappointed look on his face. 
Although he thinks that Chadwick was only acting during his date with his wife, Neil hopes that the relationship between Chadwick and Adira have improved.
‘But to cut the magazine, it means they are still in the bad shape!’ Neil exclaimed inwardly. 
“What? I can’t?” Chadwick asked, quite dumbfounded. “How dare you decline me? You’re not scared anymore, aren’t you?”
“I-It’s not like that. But Sir, this is…” 
“Go get me a scissor.” 
Neil pouted his lips. Out of his will, he grabbed the scissor from Chadwick’s table and murmured in low sound, “He can get the scissor by himself. Why is he asking me to get it?” 
Chadwick did not hear him clearly, but he knew Neil is talking ill behind his back.
“What did you say?” 
“Nothing, Sir.”  
Neil gave the scissors to Chadwick. After he gave, he stayed standing in front of the desk while waiting. 
Holding both the scissors and the magazine, Chadwick stared at Neil. 
“What the hell are you waiting for? Get out of my office.” 
Neil nodded his head and answered without energy, unlike before. 
“Yes. Do what you think is the best, Sir,” he said. When he turned around, he whispered, “Helping you is tiring.” Then he went out of the office. 
Neil wanted to help Chadwick to get along with his wife. But Neil does not need to do that anymore. Because after the date, Chadwick already admitted to himself that he’s in love with Adira. 
And so, with a smile on his lips, Chadwick looked at the best picture he had with his wife. He, then, cut the picture and put it inside his wallet. 
“Because I don’t know when will be the next time,” he whispered while caressing his thumb at the picture. “It might be the first and last.” 
After their date together, Adira became busy at work again. For three days, they haven’t seen each other in the house. 
Chadwick knew that this time, Adira is really just busy that’s why she couldn’t go home. But still, a part of him wishes to see her again in their house. 
She was the woman whom he annoyed the most. Yet now…
“I miss you,” Chadwick whispered as he leaned his chin on the desk, still staring at the picture. 
When he realized what the hell did, he just say, he laughed at his pathetic self and dropped a curse.
“Damn it. I’m really crazy.” 
Adira’s POV 
One of my schedules today is visiting the our winery and make sure we harvested enough for the new project we will launch the next months. 
Winery is a building that produces wine which features warehouses, bottling lines, laboratories and large expanses tanks. 
We, as winemakers, produce various wines from grapes we harvest from our own vineyards. The process involves the fermentation of fruit, as well as blending and aging of the juice. 
My family has been making wine for at least five generations. As the new CEO of Crimson Meadow, I have barely met the people who tend the company’s vines and make our wine. 
However, making wine must be in our blood because I developed more passion for wine while watching how our winery operates. That was why I studied so hard in college to learn new techniques that we can use to expand the business. It is to emphasize a good belief in a balance between old world wisdom and new technology. 
“Is this the wine they produced last year?” I asked my secretary, Hansel, while pointing at a giant tank with a faucet below. 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
“Let me have a taste.” 
The worker, who was assisting us, get a small amount of wine from the tank. He gave it to Hansel, and Hansel gave it to me. 
Then I tasted the wine made with huge effort from our workers. 
“Hmmmm,” I hummed then smiled at the worker. “There is no reason we cannot make great wine.” 
The old man assisting me, whom I saw when I was still a kid, laughed happily along with me and miss Hansel. 
The financial plan and business strategy, I am doing all of these for the company. But the real hero behind the successful business is none other than the people who are behind the stage. That’s why I always love to come and visit our winery when I have time. 
“Ma’am Adira!” 
A cute lady, who must be sharing the same age as Hansel, ran towards me. She’s holding something familiar around her arms, but I couldn’t recognize it because my eyes went back to her lovely face. 
“Ash. Why did you come here?” asked the old man to the lady. 
“It’s because I heard that Ma’am Adira will come visit so I came!” Ash said.
‘What a cute lady.’ 
Sighing, the old man looked at me and introduced the woman. 
“Sorry to disturb your time, ma’am. This is my daughter, Ash.” 
I smiled at him and said, “No worry. I still have time. Right Hansel?” 
Actually, my schedule is a bit packed today. But as if Hansel could read my thoughts, she pretended that we aren’t busy at all and get along with my acting.
“Ahh, y-yes. We are not busy,” Hansel said. 
I stared back at the lady and asked why she’s been waiting for me. 
“So, Miss Ash, may I ask why are you looking for an old woman like me?” 
Ash’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “I have read the article that Miss Jaymee wrote about ma’am and her husband.” 
I flinched as I heard about the article which I’ve read this morning. 
The article said how much I and my husband love each other. I didn’t know what part of our date made us look so in love, for Jaymee to write that. 
‘Is it because I kissed my husband’s cheek when we fell down on the skating rink?’ 
Nevertheless, that is good news. The article is a lie, but we will benefit from it. 
“Your love story is so so so so majestic. Just like what I only read from the novels. So, I came here to ask for a sign,” Ash said. 
“A sign?” I tossed a confused question. 
Usually, you will ask the author of the book to sign it for you. So why me?
“It is because the madam is so pretty. You and your husband look like princess and prince. You really suit each other.” 
Ahhhh. I get it. 
She is like those young ladies who wanted to live in an imaginary world and think that love is so sweet. I and Chadwick will probably look like an enchanting couple from the outside. 
“And actually, I am so thankful for madam,” Ash added. “I heard that it was Madam who insisted that my father should stay working in this winery.” 
My eyes tended to his father who got a bit teary while listening to his daughter. 
Right. It was me who insisted on having Mr. Canor to stay in our winery, and that is because even if he’s old, his skill did not get rusty. We need talented people like him who will pass his skill on to the next generation. 
“So, I really wanted to see you in person and thank you,” Ash said before she wiped the tears on her eyes. 
“It is my pleasure to keep someone like your father, Ash,” I replied. 
Ash chuckled cutely at me. Then she gasped, as if she had just remembered something very important. 
“Can I ask something?” 
“When will you and your husband will have a baby?” 
I only drank a few wines before. But Ash’s question suddenly made me feel drunk. 
“Ash!” his father exclaimed. “That is not something that you should ask to our madam.” 
“Why not? They love each other,” Ash rebuked. “Madam is pretty, and Sir is handsome. I am sure their baby will be cute.” 
I wanted to agree with the last thing she said. 
“But still…” his father refuted before he shyly looked at me as if to apologize. 
So, I waved my hand mid-air to reassure that I wasn’t uncomfortable at all. 
“I’m fine,” I said. “In fact, I wanted to get pregnant as soon as possible so I can see my cute baby.” 
“Really?!” Ash gasped. “Awww, I am excited for you madam.” 
“Thank you. However, even if I do want, the heaven hasn’t blessed us a child yet.” 
Ash fell in grimace. “That’s sad. Last two years, I also struggled because I couldn’t get pregnant after marrying my husband.” 
“Miss Ash is married?” 
“Yes, madam. And now, I have two children. Thanks to the sleepwear that a friend recommended me.” 
“A sleepwear you say. What kind of sleepwear is that?” 
Ash looked left and right. She leaned closer to me before she whispered: 
“A sleepwear that can make your husband turn wild every night.”


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