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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 60

Chadwick woke up on his bed. 
Summer is over but winter is still far. However, laying down alone on the bed makes his heart feel as if someone threw it on the pile of snow. 
With a groan, Chadwick sat up. He stared at the door where he always looked at. 
When he was still avoiding Adira, he used to gawk at the door and wait until she got out of the house. He did not want to see her face only in the morning. Because if they meet, Adira will only force him to have a sex with him.
But after he realized his feelings for her, an opposite proposition came. He always wanted to see her, to be with her, to call her crazy and to laugh at her ridiculous ideas. 
He never thought that a day would come when he misses how Adira clings stubbornly at him. Now, Adira is gone. 
He walked out of his room and observed the silent house. 
There is a sign of Adira. It is the lavender scent that she used when she’s taking a bath. 
Chadwick looked at the closed door of her room. 
If she bathed early this morning, that means she’s already out of the house. 
“Now, it is you who are avoiding me,” he murmured. 
It’s true. After Adira found out the truth, she rejected Geoffrey right away and decided. She isn’t planning of getting pregnant with Chadwick’s child anymore. 
That certain wife does not want to include herself in his life and the other two lives. 
Right now, Adira is in the meeting hall together with the directors of the company. 
Wearing a rounded glass and holding a pen, Adira looked at the person who was giving the report about the project wine. 
“Our vision is to ensure that Breei Fine Wine Distribution Inc will the preferred wine distributorship store here for all our existing and potential customers in the next months. We will ensure that we adhered to the industry’s best practices through our offering of quality inventory as well as excellent customer service.” 
“If that’s the case,” Adira spoke. 
All looked at the CEO of the Crimson Meadow. 
“We need to locate the store in an area that is very strategic here,” she said. “Whenever we release new wine, we tend to use auction houses because it is a good place where wine collectors can pawn off their best wine. But for the project, we are aiming for the mass. If we use to sell our wine in auction houses, we had to expect deductions for insurance, taxes and seller’s fee. So, let’s try choosing local restaurants. Local restaurants are becoming interested in acquiring aged, ready-to dink wines for their customers. But liquor laws can put restrictions on our sales because we need to allow sales to licensed restaurants and requiring additional labels denoting collection origin. Director Benjie.”
“Yes, President?” Benjie replied. 
“Please check the local laws to ensure our compliance.” 
“Noted ma’am. I will do it right away.” 
Adira looked at the presentment and added with a smile. “Continue.” 
“We also ensure that we have digitized customer database as well as inventory system to optimize the relationships with our suppliers. We also intend to build the best business structure for our business.” 
The director of marketing and sales team spoke, “As for that, we conduct market surveys as soon as the product is out. It is to determine new target markets for the two companies. My team gave me new marketing strategies that will bring in new clients for the firm. You can check it from the document.” 
Adira opened the document. She read some and nodded her head. “These are good. I will check it more.” 
“The results of the sales are so great. I guess this is because President Adira and CEO Chadwick McElroy agreed on advertising the product. You two became so famous, especially at the target customers of the product,” said the human resources and administrative manager.
The facilities manager added, “Thanks to that, the rumor that CEO Chadwick is cheating on you has disappeared and… ack!” 
The facilities manager could not continue as someone beside him kicked his feet. He glared at the Administrative manager as to complain but when he saw his expression, he realized his mistake. He quickly stared back at their CEO and apologized. “Ahhh, s-sorry, president. I did not mean to say that during our meeting.” 
There’s a moment of intense silence inside the hall as they wait for Adira’s response. Even though she is a woman, and she always smiles, that does not mean she’s someone you cannot be feared of. 
A little later, Adira, who straightened her back on her chair looked around and laid a smile of cat who’s playing hide and seek with the mouses. 
All inside the meeting hall felt the goosebumps on their skins as they see her grin. 
“That’s all right,” she said in sardonic tone. “Let’s continue the…” 
Hansel leaned closer to Adira that made her stop. The president secretary whispered something to her.
Adira raised his brow. 
‘Why is he here?’ she asked herself. 
The CEO raised her head to them and said, “Something urgent came up. We will continue the meeting by 10 am.” 
When she stood up, the sounds of the chairs scraping the floor resonated. The directors bowed their heads to her as she walked outside the meeting hall. 
With Hansel, Adira walked on the way back to her office. 
“Why did he come here?” she asked her secretary. 
“The reason is not clear yet. He just asked me to tell you that he came here. He does not want to announce his arrival, so he used the back entrance of the company.” 
Adira and Hansel arrived in front of her office. At Adira’s gesture, Hansel bowed her head and exited the place. 
For long seconds, Adira stared at the door. Her fingers flinched while she’s trying to calm herself and compose her expression. After taking deep breaths, Adira held the doorknob and pushed it open. 
As soon as she opened the door, she saw the person whom she rarely sees. It is her father, Don Falcon. 
Last month, Falcon went to Paris to make deal for the new franchise of their brand. Adira heard that her father came back home but she did not expect him to visit. 
‘No. On the second thought, I think I know the reason why he suddenly visited me,’ Adira thought. 
“I heard you’re in the middle of the meeting,” Falcon said in throaty voice. 
The old man with white hair, wrinkled golden skin with freckles on his cheeks, mushy brows which look like catterpillar whenever he frowns, and bent postures, stared at Adira. 
“Why did you pause it?” Falcon asked. 
“For the Chairman to visit me, it is once in a blue moon. So, I think it is urgent to come,” Adira replied. She walked closer to him, bowed her head, and sat down. 
“I will be quick,” Falcon uttered as soon as he saw her perched on the chair. 
‘Is there a time when you wanted to talk to me for a long time?’ Adira replied in her head, but spoke,” Okay. What is it? Chairman.” 
“It’s been almost nine months since you got married. But until now, you are still not pregnant. When will I have my grandchild? Are you going to keep running the company without an heir?” 
Adora looked on the floor. 
Her father, for Adira, is just someone who wanted to use her for his benefit. He used Adira to marry Chadwick so they can widen their business. He never cares for her and all he thinks is about their company. 
But that does not sadden Adira anymore. All her years living, she did not feel that she has father to lean on. She grew up without him by her side, and she’s used of being alone. 
“About having an heir,” Adira murmured. “I am thinking about…” She lifted her eyes and looked straight into the person whom she thinks despises her the most. “About adopting a child.” 
“W-What did you say?” her father stuttered in surprised. “What are you blabbering? Do you have problem in bearing a child.” 
“No,” Adira answered. “The doctor said that I am healthy. However, I don’t think I can give you a grandchild from my own blood.”
“Adira,” her father said in low voice. 
“And there are matters which not allow me to bear a child.” 
Falcon took a deep breath as if to calm himself. Then he looked back at her again and asked, “Is it because of the rumor?” 
Adira’s brow raised. He came here while knowing about the rumor, but he only asked about her pregnancy. 
‘It really means that he does not care anything about me,’ Adira laughed sardonically inside her head. 
After biting her lower lip, she stared at him and carefully detached her mouth. “Yes. Sadly to say, the rumor is true.” 
Falcon’s eye widened. As soon as he came back at the country, he heard about the ridiculous rumors about his daughter and his son-in-law. But he did not believe it because he believed Chadwick won’t do something stupid like that. 
After that, the rumors were cleared as if it did not exist. But now, Falcon directly heard from his daughter that it is true Chadwick is cheating on her. 
Wordless, Falcon pored at her daughter. His hands trembled on the armrests and Adira saw that. 
‘Are you that angry that your daughter let her husband cheats? Will you scold me for being an incompetent wife?’ Adira pondered. 
“How… How did…” Falcon murmured, quivering on his seat. 
“If you are going to scold me, please don’t. It is not fault that you chose a marriage candidate who is deeply in love with another woman. I think, Chadwick is a victim here too.”
“Are you defending your husband?” 
“No,” Adira chuckled. “I am just saying the truth, chairman Hale. Chadwick was forced to marry me even though he like another woman. As a result, he declines to touch me at night. If you only saw his face when I tried to do my duty as his wife, you will understand why until now, I can’t get pregnant.” 
“Ever since I was young, I never tried to oppose your decision. But this time, I can’t do anything about it anymore. So, if you want an heir, either you will sell me off to another conglomerate man while I am still young, or you’ll let me adopt a child. That’s the only way, chairman.” 
“Why are you talking as if soon, you will divorce Chadwick?” 
“Everything is possible,” Adira answered with a chuckle. Then, she stared at her wristwatch and informed, “I need to prepare for another meeting. If this will be the reason of your visit, I am sure we talked what we need to talk about. You have time to make your decision. I won’t hurry you up.” 
Adira stood up from her seat. She bowed her head at the chairman of the Crimson Meadow and exited her office without looking back at  Falcon. 
Alone in the office, Falcon clenched his fists while staring at the space. He smoldered with resentment. 
Rage flowed through him like lava, burning his eyes and thickened his saliva. He gripped his phone with madness as his anger sparked like lightning. 
His beings throbbed inside his wrinkled skin as he imagined how the hell will he kill his son-in-law. 
“Chadwick McElory,” he murmured the man he arranged for his daughter to marry. “How dare you cheat on your wife?” he asked. “How dare you hurt my precious Adira?” 
Gritting his teeth, Falcon dialed his secretary’s number. 
[“Yes sir?”] 
“I will go to the Wine&Vibe right now,” Falcon said while glaring at the space between the air. “I have to meet that bastard who hurt my daughter.


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