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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 62

Adira’s POV
Hansel came and gave me a surprising news.
"A party? All of a sudden?"
"Yes. The chairman will hold a congratulatory party for the staffs and employees who helped the project. It will be tomorrow, at the beach resort the chairman rented himself."
I looked at afar and guessed what's on my father's mind. Before we separated before, father looks so mad.
'He looks like he will kill someone. Then suddenly, he decided to hold a party?'
What confused me the most is that he wanted to include the Crimson Meadow staff along.
'Is it because he feared that Chadwick and I will get divorce, so he is trying to put us together?'
He already knew that my husband cheated on me, but he is still thinking of business. Well, we're talking about a father who does not care to his daughter. I should not be surprised.
"Alright. Tell the employees who worked with us for the project about the vacation tomorrow," I said to Hansel.
"Yes, ma'am. I will do it." She bowed her head and turned around.
As she steps away, I remembered her situation and became curious if she's okay.
My secretary looked back and asked, "Yes, ma'am?"
I only wanted to ask if she's fine. But this feels so different. I never expected I'll be embarrassed just to ask a simple question like this. Maybe because I learned to be sincerely worried about Hansel.
"I'm fine," Hansel said even I haven't asked her. It is as if she already read my mind.
This is not something that you will do out of intelligence. Hansel read my mind because she's been watching me for years, and I failed to notice how sincerely she was when she's trying to get closer.
For me, there's no reason to get close at someone who works as my secretary. So, I distanced myself and continue working platonically. Isn't this what I did even during high school and college?
I have those who I called 'friends', but deep inside, I was still alone.
'Because it was me who declined to have them in my life.'
"If there's more I can do to help, tell me," I said to Hansel and smiled.
"You already did a lot for me, ma'am. Beating Daniel for me is enough."
"Thank goodness you stopped me from killing him. You'll be under stress if you had to fix my first murder case."
Hansel chuckled and replied, "Yes, ma'am. It will be hard to stand in court as victim's wife and witness."
I only smiled at her and set my eyes back to the paper.
'It's not that bad at all. I mean having someone who relies on you.'
"You too, ma'am."
As she spoke, I tender back to her again.
"If you are having a hard time, I will gladly help."
Blushing, Hansel bowed her head again and left my office with a sheepish smile.
'That's cute.'
From the outer appearance and voice, Hansel seems cold. Actually, employees ten to get afraid from my secretary, especially when she looks at them with her narrow and sharp eyes.
But she's a real softie. Since the day one, she's worried about me and my relationship with my husband, which isn't necessary because I'm fine.
"Yes. I'm fine."
My time to bear a child will be late. But I won't regret not getting pregnant by my husband.
'Not when I am included at his messy love charts.'
Forgetting my situation for a moment, I focused on my job and did not realize the time.
It's 10pm already. I went back to my house with tired body which is thirsty for a taste of alcohol.
I am not an alcoholic, but a workaholic rather. However, when I am so tired from work, the taste of the bitter tequila served with lemon and salt gives me a sense of relief.
But I must suppress my desire to visit my favorite bar. Because I can't meet that bartender.
Walking inside the house, the smell of beer reached my nose. There are sounds from the television, so I walked towards the living room and saw my husband.
He's drinking beer while watching soccer.
This is the first time I saw him act like some normal husband out there.
Chadwick investigated my way, and I stared at him for a short second. Then I pretended I had not seen him and walked towards my room.
I sent him my decision during our conversation last night. He knew that I won't bother him anymore or ask him to have a sex with me.
So, what will come next?
I will just enjoy my life while waiting for the divorce. For my goal, I will think about that in the future.
Chadwick spoke before my hand reached the doorknob of my room. I turned my head and looked at him.
"We will have a party in a beach resort."
What's the use of telling this to me now? It's not like I am not aware.
"I know," I replied.
"You will come?" He asked without looking back into my eyes."
"I have to," I said.
Chadwick is taking a sip on his beer when I added, "That is the perfect time for me to show off my body with a sexy bikini."
"Pfftt...!" Chadwick sprayed the beer he's drinking all the way to the television screen.
Woah~ That looks like a fountain.
Finally, he looked at me with this angry expression he always has, and shouted, "You will be going to the beach with a two piece?!"
I shrugged my shoulder and placed my hands on my waist as if to showcase my body.
"Why not? There is no rule that a married woman cannot wear bikini anymore."
Chadwick’s jaw dropped.
"Look forward into it," I said then opened the door of my room.
His stunned and dumbfounded expression that I saw before entering my room is worth seeing.
'I shall ask Hansel to prepare a nice bikini for me~'
——————————————— ____
Third Person's POV
"Wow! Ocean!"
Wearing a blue short, white V-neck t-shirt, a straw hat and Cro*s sandals, Neil ran towards the shore.
"It's been a long time!" He gasped, arms wide opened as he sniffed the salty and refreshing scent if the sea.
The waves that kissing the shore looks magnificent. Ocean shone under the sun like moving crystals, and the horizon above reflected at the vast water.
Summer is over and autumn is approaching. Yet still, Neil can feel the summer vibe while looking at the clean and not polluted sea.
"After working for countless sleepless night, I am so happy we are allowed to enjoy this," Neil sobbed without tears.
Like some princess, he turned around with arms wife open. But the wind blew his hat afar.
"My hat!"
Neil was about to run after it but stopped when he saw a familiar person walking towards him.
Black long hair, pale skin, small eyes, pink lips; a gorgeous woman who is wearing a blue bikini which highlighted her sexiness suddenly appeared. That woman, Hansel, picked up his straw hat and stared at him.
Neil's face reddened. He quickly avoided her gaze and complained inwardly.
'Seriously! What's wrong with me?!'
While Hansel is working towards him, Neil's heart is beating so hard he can hardly breathe.
Neil slowly looked at her and the hat on her hand.
"Your hat," she said.
Slowly, Neil grabbed the hat back and said, "Thank you."
Finding no reason to stay here, Hansel stepped away.
"That night...!" Neil suddenly shouted.
Hansel stopped walking and looked back at the weird guy. As far as she can remember, the two of them aren't close to hold a proper conversation.
"What?" Hansel asked in a cold tone.
"Well, actually, ahmm.... I just wanted to ask if you are... err"
'What is this idiot blabbering about?' Hansel thought while waiting.
Neil fidgeted his finger together as if a child who's so shy to ask her parents for an extra allowance. He murmured, "Ahmmm, that night well, to be honest, I..."
"Hey you!"
Neil and Hansel both turned their heads at the man who shouted. Then they saw a man with brown hair, sunglasses on his small and well sculptured face, pointed nose and cupid bows lips. He is wearing a white polo shirt, black short and an Ad*das sandals. Even from afar, the cool scent of his perfume spread in the open area.
The handsome man is no other than Neil's boss, Chadwick.
Chadwick approached the two. He glanced at Hansel, who are wearing a bikini, and then tended to his secretary. "What are you doing?" He asked Neil.
Mad that Chadwick interrupted his time with Hansel, Neil thought: 'Isn't it obvious that I came here to enjoy looking at the sea? Why does he have to ask me? Tssk!'
Chadwick only asked him not because he's really curious but he just wanted to make an introduction so he can talk with the woman beside Neil.
"I came here for the sea, sir," Neil replied with a pout.
"I see," Chadwick murmured. He forged a cough and then looked at Hansel. "Hello, miss Hansel."
Glaring at Chadwick, Hansel forged herself to greet that man she hates second to her husband. "Hello, sir."
Neil noticed the loath on Hansel as she gave Chadwick a piercing stare and she clenched her hands.
Chadwick, who is already aware that Hansel hates him, pretended he did not feel her rage. He slowly avoided her eyes and asked, "Did you come here alone?"
Hansel answered, "No. SIR."
Neil gulped while staring at the furious Hansel. Well, he cannot blame her. For Hansel, Chadwick is probably the same man as her husband who cheated on her.
'Wait. Maybe, I can ask for Hansel's help to get our bosses close to each other!' Neil thought.
He cannot go and tell Adira that Chadwick likes her. But if Neil tells Hansel about this, maybe they can do something for them.
'And miss Hansel and I will have more time together!' Neil thought that he regretted right away. 'Crazy! Why am I being like this? Stop being stupid! Hansel hasn't officially divorced her husband yet! Or... maybe she already did? I mean, they will divorce soon so... But why am I wishing that to happen?'
Tilting his head, Neil looked at Chadwick who's walking on eggshells.
"So, Adira came here too?" Chadwick shyly asked.
Neil frowned and got confused. "Sir, why are you asking about your wife when you two are living together in the same house?"
Chadwick blinked swiftly as he forged a cough again. "Ahem." Then he replied with stutters, "A-Adira came to work early in the morning. I guess."
"Oh? So, you mean that you did not see madam this morning?" Neil asked him again.
The question is like salt in Chadwick’s wound. It made him realize how pathetic he is for being a husband who was ignored by his wife. But didn't he do this to Adira before? When he avoided her and came to work early because he did not want to see her, did Adira complain?
Hansel secretly smirked at Chadwick. 'Serves you right,' she thought.
Although it looks like Chadwick is getting the punishment he deserves, he knew better than anyone that their cases are different. Adira wanted to see him for her goal. But Chadwick is longing for her because he loves her.
"W-We are both busy!" Chadwick exclaimed to Neil.
"This morning? You are only busy choosing which clothes to bring," Neil said.
Chadwick eyed Neil as to gesture him to shut his mouth. Neil understood the meaning of his glare and so, he zippered his lips.
"If my wife came here, where is she right now?" Chadwick asked Hansel.
Hansel looked afar and pointed at her hand. "Ma'am is there."
In unison, Chadwick and Neil looked at the direction where Hansel pointed at.
When they saw Adira walking with her bikini, their jaws drastically dropped on the white sand.


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