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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 70

At the same table, Chadwick and Isa fell into silence. Adira’s last words left a deep impression. 
[“But that someone rejected him. My husband told me this story before. That he likes a woman, but that woman likes someone else. But the other guy likes another woman too. Then, my husband met me, and we got married.”] 
Isa would agree that she succeeded in pushing Adira out of the way. Because if Adira wasn’t bothered, then she would stay by their side until the end. However, even if Adira is out, Isa felt like she was knocked out by a strong punch. It is more painful than the time she directly heard from Geoffrey that he loves Adira. She was wordless with rage, almost choking her and nearly suffocating her fury. 
From the start, she knew that Adira was a strong enemy. Yet she took the risk, and, in the end, she lost again. 
On the other side, Chadwick was in deep thoughts. When Geoffrey came to their house to send Adira back and to bring her phone, he had a guess that maybe Geoffrey had something for his wife. Yet, he denied that hypothesis countless times. First, Chadwick knew that Geoffrey isn’t someone who will snatch a married woman. Second, he thought that maybe Geoffrey misunderstands Chadwick and Isa’s relationship and is worried about Adira. If Geoffrey has feelings for Adira, then he will keep it by himself and… 
‘The divorce,’ Chadwick thought. 
He remembered his conversation with his secretary when Neil found out that Secretary Hansel will get a divorce soon. 
 [“But it’s not like that. Besides, miss Hansel will divorce her husband anyway.” 
“Huh? She will divorce her husband?” 
“I h-heard it by mistake.”
“So do you think it is okay to like a woman as long as you know that she will get divorce soon?” 
“I think, yes.”] 
Chadwick fused his fingers into steely clamps as he took a deep breath. Based on Adira’s words, it seemed like Geoffrey already confessed his feelings to his wife. Why would he? Chadwick feared that the divorce pushed him to pursue Adira.
Gnawing his teeth, Chadwick stood up from his seat. 
Isa snapped out by the sound of the chair scraping on the floor and she lifted her head to him. 
‘This isn’t the time to get annoyed by Adira,’ Isa realized. ‘I came here to make Chadwick realized that he was just enticed by his wife for a moment and that he will also come back to me!’ 
“W-Where are you going? You haven’t eaten anything,” Isa said. 
Chadwick looked at her and then he answered, “I don’t think I can eat right now.”
He walked out of the cottage and went towards the villa to follow Adira. 
“Wait,” Isa also stood up to talk to him, but someone held her wrist and forced her to go back at her seat. She looked to her right and saw the smirk on Neil’s lips. 
“Where are you going?” Neil asked while grinning. “If you leave then I’ll be alone,” Neil said in loud voice so that everyone in the cottage could hear it. “We’re friends after all. So, stay here.” He poured a juice on the empty glass in front of Isa and added, “Let’s talk more.” 
Since Isa introduced herself as a simple friend, she had no choice but to stay and listen to Neil for a couple of hours. 
Meanwhile, Adira is inside her and her husband’s room inside the villa. Hansel brought her food in the room, and she happily stuffed herself. 
“As expected,” Adira said after drinking a cup of beer. “Eating alone is much better.” 
Since kid, Adira enjoys eating alone. It isn’t because she likes it, it is just that she’s more accustomed at this lifestyle. Isn’t that the reason why she does not join her husband for a meal while they are living under the same roof? If there are times, then she can only count it using her one hand. 
Full and tired, Adira laid her back against the soft pillow on the sofa. She looked at the ceiling and let her mind drift. 
From outside, she can hear the cheers of the employees, the sound of the waves and the clicking of the glass. The smell of barbecue came from the opened window, and the sea breeze also came to visit inside the room. 
Away from everyone, she found peace of mind. 
[“A lot of female students wanted to ask Chadwick for a date. But he declined them all. Thinking that, why did you reject everyone before?”]
Her eyes opened when Isa’s voice rang inside her ears again. It is a fact that she had known for a long time. Because she has been rejected by Chadwick countless times just because his heart belongs to someone else. 
‘And it will never be me,’ Adira told herself and fell into confusion. 
She was always cool around Chadwick and Isa. But right back then, she failed to control her emotions.
Adira kept asking the same question all over again. Regrettably, she found the answer inside a box that was locked, and the key was missing. 
Suddenly, she recalled the conversation she had had with her husband when they were trapped in the cave. 
[“Were you thinking that you grew up without love. Perhaps, that is the reason why you don’t want to involve yourself in another person. Because you are scared to get rejected. There are people who find it hard to be brave all the time. Sometimes, they acted the opposite of what they heart tell them to do, all because they are also scared of the consequences. However, all that takes them to be courageous is to have someone ask them what they truly feel. If a person who is willing to listen and understand came, then they will open their hearts,” he added before his solemn eyes reflecting the lights. Did you ask?”
“Did you ever ask if that person doesn’t really love you?” 
“Will it really be better if I become someone like that? An open-minded person who will try to feel empathy with other’s emotions.” 
“Yes. It will be much better. Especially for me.”] 
Adira clenched her fists. She blamed everything in the situation; that they got trapped in that cave and she let her emotions come naked and bare. 
People said there is treasure in that mysterious cave. 
Adira might agree. 
After getting there, she felt like she had found a treasure, but she’s not exactly known what it was, or if it will bring her any fortune. 
As Adira thought more about this, she heard the opening of the door. 
Gradually, she tilted her head and saw her husband. 
‘Why did he follow me?’ she asked inwardly. 
“I did not invite Isa to this place,” is what Chadwick said as soon as they laid their eyes on each other. 
‘So, he came here to explain,’ Adira thought while staring at him standing at the entrance of the room. 
“You saw me kissing her at the night of the party, right?” Chadwick added. He inhaled sharply before continuing, “I did not kiss her. She was too drunk, and she pulled me after that. The next morning, Isa couldn’t remember what happened. However, it’s my fault for letting something like that happen in front of your eyes. I am sorry.” 
Adira looked down and then diverted her eyes back to her husband. She felt grateful that Chadwick did not kiss Isa but somehow, she got so damn annoyed that he’s apologizing instead of Isa. 
“For the kiss and for suddenly appearing at this place, why are you apologizing on behalf of that woman?” 
“Because… I just feel that everything is my fault. And that I am giving you a hard time.” 
“Don’t you think it’s weird? Kissing you with an excuse that she’s drunk. Coming here without knowing that we will also be here. Will you agree that everything is just a coincidence?” 
Chadwick frowned at the words she said. “Are you… saying that Isa did all of this in purpose?” 
“Thank you for catching my words well,” Adira said as she stood up. 
He scratched his nape and tilted his head in wonder. He could not believe this. He’s been with Isa for a long time so, an innocent and gentle woman like her won’t do something that will endanger him and Adira. 
“I t-told you. Isa was drunk,” he defended. “And this beach resort is just…”
“Then how will explain how Nocturne found out about our secret?” 
Chadwick fell into silence. It’s true. There are only a few who knows that they got married for business purposes, and it includes Isa. 
“No way,” Chadwick rebuked, shaking his head while looking afar. “Isa won’t do something that will harm me.” 
“Unfortunately, she already did. You are just an idiot who held onto those beliefs that Isa is treating you as a real friend. How long have you been together? You knew that she’s using you as her comfort zone, but you are still staying by her side.” 
“A dumb. Idiot. Foolish. There are lot of bad words to say but I will stop right now.” 
Chadwick stared at his wife who’s glaring at him. 
‘Adira is mad.’ 
Her wife is mad but somehow, it brought him a sense of relief. He would rather see her glare and hear her curses than being ignored. 
For a moment, he thought he might be a real devil. A bad guy who feels happy that her wife is finally caring for him.
‘But is it really true that Isa did all of these in purpose?’ he asked himself. He’s been friends with Isa for long years. And even though he knew that she was using him to make Geoffrey jealous, he accepted that because he pitied the lonely friend who lost her parents and who felt so alone in the world. 
However, if it is true that Isa is purposely trying to make him and his wife apart, that’s another thing. He cannot tolerate such misunderstandings between Adira and him anymore. 
Adira walked towards the door and said to him, “Get out of the way. I will go.” 
“I came here to talk to you, but you are going away?” Chadwick asked. 
“Yes. It’s not comfortable being with you. I hate it.” 
“Huh,” Chadwick snorted. It felt like seeing a mirror of his past self, whenever he’s sending Adira out of his room. 
Determined, Chadwick placed his hand on the door-sill to block her way. 
“You can’t go. We’re still not finished,” he said. 
Adira looked alternately at his hand and his eyes. “I told you I am not comfortable being with you in the same room.”
“Why suddenly? You always come to my room before.” 
“That’s why the words ‘before’ and ‘now’ are different. There are differ in spelling and meaning.” 
“Is that why you are avoiding me?” Chadwick asked, staring intently at his eyes. “Because ‘you’ before and ‘you’ right now are different.” 
“Yes,” Adira answered. “I don’t intend of getting a child from you.” 
“Is it because of Geoffrey?” 
Adira tilted her head and chuckled. “Pardon?” 
“Because after the divorce, you will go to Geoffrey?” 
Adira wanted to laugh right now. It is so hard for her to understand why Chadwick is on edge around Geoffrey. And even if Adira dates a man after their divorce, she thinks that Chadwick does not have the right to butt into her business since he will also go to Isa after this. 
‘This is tiring. All of these, made me so damn tired.’ 
Once her mockery eyes set on him, a cold voice appeared. “Let me out, honey.” 
“I don’t want. Answer me first.” 
“You won’t really go out of my way?” 
“Yes. I won’t.” 
Adira raised her hand and tickled Chadwick’s armpit. 
“Pfftt.. haha!” Chadwick laughed, tickled by her touch and soon dropped his hand from the sill.  
Adira took that chance to go out of their room and ran away. 
Realizing that Adira outsmarted him, Chadwick stared at her running back and shouted, “Hey!… You…!” 
He held the armpit that Adira tickled and snorted in disbelief. 
“Geez. I could not believe that such trick will work.” 
He does not know why he had to play hide and seek with his wife. But if Adira is stubborn, so is he. 
“Hey!” Chadwick shouted again before he chased her.


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