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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 8

“This is where the kids play,” said Miss Marie, the one who is in charge of handling the orphanage.
She pointed to the room where the orphans reside now. Despite their situations, the children’s faces are full of smiles and cheers. They just happily play together with kids whom they see as their new family.
Adira stood by the door and peeked at the cute kids through the rectangular glass at the upper center of the closed door. She just stayed there, watching the smile on the kids’ faces and how they ran so energetically, showing how blissful a youth can be.
To show the other room to the McElroy couple, Miss Marie picked up her pace. Every new room in the orphanage was built because of the donation they received from the couple’s companies. So, Miss Marie had to show them every crook and to let them know where their money was spent too.
Chadwick followed Miss Marie and thought Adira would be on their tails.
But on his fourth step, he sensed that his side was empty, which made him stop walking. He turned his head to his side and saw nothing but the white-painted wall. Looking behind, he saw Adira. She’s still staring at the kids inside the room with a grieving expression as if she’s watching a drama.
Never did Chadwick see this kind of expression of her during their six months together. He always sees her grin mischievously, sneer, or empty her emotions with a blank stare. He thought she was a real robot who only had manuals behind her back; she smiled when she had to, was serious when she needed it and faked her emotions every single time. That is his perception of her so far.
Therefore, staring at Adira right now, he caught himself off guard and was surprised.
“Mr. And Mrs. McElroy?” Miss Marie called them.
The two both looked at Miss Marie in unison and followed her.
“I am so sorry,” Adira apologized while walking closer. “The kids are so cute there. I couldn’t help but see them play more.”
“Oh my~ It seems like Mrs. McElroy loves kids so much,” Marie said, giggling.  
“Yes. I do love kids,” Adira gave a feeble response, followed by a beam.
Chadwick fell into deep thoughts after hearing his wife’s answer. He realized that Adira was really serious when she said she loved having a child.
‘Is this the reason why she wanted to get pregnant?’ Chadwick wondered.
Miss Marie toured the couple until they arrived at the last room of the orphanage. It is the study room where they teach the kids how to read.
“It’s really great to see that there’s a lot of buildings that were built,” Chadwick praised.
“And it is all because of Mr. And Mrs. McElroy’s help,” Miss Marie responded.  
“It is our pleasure to help, Miss Marie,” Adira replied.
“Thank you so much for volunteering today. I know that both of you are busy, but you still lend us some time to visit this humble orphanage.”
“Just like what I said before, I really, really love kids. So, me and my husband enjoyed helping,” Adira said. She leaned a little closer to her husband, clinging to his arm.
Chadwick couldn’t push her away because Miss Marie was staring intently at them. So, he just forged a smile.
“Ahmmmmm,” Marie hummed with hesitation. “You two… are really sweet to each other. Aren’t you?”
“Right. We really are,” Adira lied as her grip around his arm tightened.
“But can I ask a favor?” Marie said, holding her chest. “In front of the kid, is it okay to limit your… I mean… the too much public display of attention is… Ahmmm, how do I say this? I mean, can you not do it in front of the children?”
A moment ago, before Miss Marie toured the couple, everyone was thunderstruck at the things that happened during lunch break. The silly Adira bit and licked Chadwick’s finger in front of everyone.
Reporters almost dropped their cameras.
Little kids had their eyes opened, staring at the two while wondering why adults like them bit each other’s hands. They are so engrossed and curious.
In Miss Marie’s favor, Adira and Chadwick realize that Marie is talking about their silly bickering, which looks sweet from the outside.
“You’re right!” Chadwick agreed so fast. He pushed Adira away from him and added, “We will never do it again. Never.” He looked at Adira and asked, “ Right, HONEY?”
Adira grinned at Miss Marie. “Yes,” she said. “We won’t do it again. We are really sorry for doing it.”
Apologetic and embarrassed for the two, Marie smiled at them.
“So, can we go to my office and talk more about the orphanage?” Marie offered.
“Sure,” answered Chadwick.
From the dead end, they walked back together. Near Miss Marie’s office, someone blocked their way.
“Miss Marie!” a girl shouted as she ran towards their side. She gulped first and then lifted her head. “I am really sorry I’m late. There’s an accident at the ro…”
Her sweet and gentle voice halted.
Chadwick and Adira looked at the woman, who was also staring at them in perplex.
“Oh? Chadwick?” Adira gasped. She put her hand up to cover her mouth out of bewilderment.
“Isa?” Chadwick called him with the same tone.
Miss Marie looked alternately at Isa and Chadwick. Then she asked, “Are you two acquainted with each other?”
“Yes, we are,” Isa said in a cheerful voice as if honey would flow down from her tongue. With her eyes which are as clear as a wide ocean, she added, “Chadwick and I are friends.”
Isa sends a sweet smile to Chadwick, even though his wife is standing close beside him.
‘What a coincidence. It seems they are really destined for each other,’ Adira said to herself while watching the emotional encounter between her husband and his beloved woman.
“Why are you here?” Chadwick asked Isa.
Miss Marie answered the question for Isa, thinking that Isa would feel shy to utter her reasons for coming.
“Miss Isa Dale volunteers regularly in this orphanage,” Marie shared. “She helps in cooking, cleaning, and even teaching kids how to write and read.
Her kindness made the corner of Chadwick’s lips soar up high.
He fell in love with Isa because she’s kind as an angel. Thus, hearing those made him confirm the real reason why he had no choice but to adore a lady like her.
Chadwick is smiling so dearly, so affectionately, not noticing that Adira is watching his expression. It is crystal clear how her husband looked at Isa.
‘It’s full of love.’ 
Something that Adira won’t get from her husband.
“So, you are volunteering here with your wife,” Isa said to Chadwick. She glanced at Adira and greeted her with her round eyes.
It was then Chadwick realized that he was smiling like an idiot in the wrong place. He tried his best to conquer his smile and then turned his head to Adira. Far from his expectation, Adira only displayed a calm beam in front of Isa.
Yes. She is someone that can stay composed even if her husband is smiling dearly at another woman.
“Y-Yes,” Chadwick answered to Isa. “Actually, we are on our way to talk about the orphanage with Miss Marie.”
“Oh!” Isa gasped and clasped her hand as if she just remembered an important thing. “Can I go and join the meeting?” she asked. “I wanted to give some suggestions for the orphanage. Can I… do it, Miss Marie?”
Isa blinked her eyes, acting like a poor puppy drained under the rain.
The meeting they will discuss is about the orphanage and the two CEOs who are supporting this.
Adira has the authority to kick ISa out of this and to remind her to know her place. But if she did that, Chadwick would be angry. He might also think that Adira is bullying the weak princess just because the legal wife is jealous.
And she doesn’t want Chadwick to think she’s jealous. BECAUSE SHE’S NOT!
“Since Miss Isa loves to volunteer here, I think it will be okay for her to join our meeting,” Adira suggested to the two.
Filled with enthusiasm, Isa gasped, “Really?!”
What Adira wants is to lessen the drama between her, Isa, and Chadwick. Yet, although Adira seems so fine, Chadwick couldn’t help but get worried, as he suspects that his wife has hidden agenda for letting Isa join the meeting.
“The population of the kids is increasing here in the orphanage,” Marie reported.
They are inside her office, talking about things that must be solved as soon as possible.
“With Mrs. and Mr. McElroy’s help, we have enough facilities for the kids. But we are short of staff who need to look over and take care of the children.
Chadwick and Adira both nodded their heads at the same time. They saw what Miss Marie intended to say.
She is asking for help to fill the need of having people to look after the children. Three or four staffs aren’t enough. Is that why they put Chadwick and Adira in charge of feeding the kids so they can see how hard it is to work with a few people?
If it is, then they succeeded. The couple could still feel their numb arms from their past task.
While the two were thinking of a good way to solve the problem, Isa raised her hand.
“About this,” she called their attention. “I would like to give my suggestion.”
Marie, Chadwick, and Adira looked at Isa.
“Go on, miss Isa,” Marie let her speak.
“For a long time, I noticed that we are indeed short of staff who will look over the kids,” Isa started. “So, what about posting a campaign for orphans on social media? I saw people who were kind enough to volunteer and help for free. For now, what the children need are people who will show and give them love since they don’t have a family anymore. They think no one will be on their side, so putting people who want to help wholeheartedly will be great. They can fill the emotional needs of the children. What do you think?”
All nodded their heads, including Adira, since Isa’s idea was undeniably good. For kids who were abandoned or who lost their parents, people who truthfully care for them might give them a sense of comfort.
“That’s a good one, Isa,” Marie praised the lady.
Chadwick and Isa smiled at each other as if they finally got the best answer to the problem.
Any man can fall for someone like Isa, that’s what Adira thought while looking at the two. Whoever hears Isa will think that she is an angel sent above from the holy heaven.
‘We’re really different,’ Adira realized inwardly.
 “Mr. McElroy, what can you say about Isa’s suggestion?” Marie inquired Chadwick.
Chadwick, who was blinded with love, answered, “I think that her idea is really perfect,”
“How about you, Mrs. McElroy?” Marie did not forget to ask Adira’s opinion about this. “Do you also think that we should start the project suggested by Ms. Dale as soon as possible?”
Adira has no plan to oppose Isa. But because they asked her, then she had no choice but to give her honest review of the current situation.
“That project is indeed good,” Adira started. She looked at Isa and continued, “But it is USELESS right now.”
Isa’s lips hardened for a moment before it went back to its original form.
“If you think that you can solve the problem with that, then you are wrong, Miss Dale,” Adira added.
Chadwick glared at his wife, who dropped a strong opposition against Bea.
If Isa is an angel in Chadwick’s eyes, then his wife is the villain.
Hurt by Adira’s words, Isa suppressed her emotions as she kept the smile on her lips. Then she asked, “Can you tell me where it went wrong? ADIRA.”


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