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Married with the Broken Hearted CEO novel Chapter 89

Chadwick and Geoffrey started their morning in different ways. 
After washing inside the large and scented bathroom, Chadwick went to the kitchen to brew his morning coffee. 
On the other side, after Geoffrey finished his quick wash inside the small bathroom in his apartment, he drank an instant coffee. 
Chadwick cooked pancakes, sausages, and egg for breakfast. 
Geoffrey toasted bread and ate it with a butter.
Chadwick wore his blue suits and silver Rol*x watch. 
Geoffrey wore a gray shirt and ripped jeans. 
Chadwick hopped in his BMW car. 
Geoffrey wore his helmet and went for a ride on his motorcycle. 
Chadwick is the CEO. 
Geoffrey is working as a bartender in a bar. 
There are two different men living in different worlds. However, both are waiting ahead for brand new days. 
While driving his BMW, Chadwick suddenly burst into chuckles. 
He placed his elbow on the windowsill and pressed the seam of his lips with his index finger. 
He couldn’t hide the smile creeping out on his lips every time he remembered the text, he received this morning. 
[“Ma’am Adira will go back home tonight.”] -Secretary Hansel. 
Chadwick does not know why the secretary who seemed to hate him before is suddenly updating him about his ex-wife’s situation. But he has no complaints. He is so happy to think that he will see Adira after work.
Oh, how he wanted to make the time go fast so they could see each other! 
All night he mulled over his confession. He has no regrets and in fact, it made life easy for him. This time, there’s no secret to hide and no feelings to suppress. He’s so ready to show her his sincere love and to get her heart. 
He planned all night how he’ll swoon Adira, on which, painted an everlasting sweet beam on his lips. However, when Chadwick remembered his competitor, the corner of his mouth dropped instantly. 
[“You made the wrong choice of divorcing Adira. You really made a mistake, Chadwick. You opened a door that you should not open.”] 
It is a warning. Geoffrey threatened Chadwick that he made mistake divorcing Adira because he will definitely pursue her this time. 
‘As if he can.’ 
“Huh!” Chadwick snorted with those thoughts. “As if I will let him.” 
Chadwick will agree that divorce has opened a way for Geoffrey to meddle between him and Adira. However, Chadwick has an advantage. He will live with Adira under the same roof for many months! 
Thinking that, the smile went back to his lips. 
He saw the red light on the traffic light and stepped on the brake. 
“Hmmmmm,” he hummed. 
His finger tapped on the steering wheel while waiting for the red light to turn green. As he waited, he delightedly looked up at the bright, shining sun, shone down on everyone for a bright autumn day.
The bright blue sky was bare of clouds and even though his car window is closed, he can imagine the light mist in the cool, crisp, morning air.
He tilted his head to the sidewalk where he saw people walked by. Some were in hurry, off to school or work, other were slowly walking through the wide cement walking paths, enjoying at taking walk on the ground that was covered with blanket of colorful leaves that had fallen from trees like snow, leaving some of the branches almost bare.
On the other side, he saw trees waving their arms to the friendly animals that passed along the street, enjoying the weather, minding their own business.
“I could not have a better day than this, since I was born,” he murmured. 
For Chadwick, nothing could ruin this day. Not until…
He felt his heart fly out of his chest and his nape ached. 
“What the…” he uttered while looking at the car who bumped at his car behind, through the side mirror. 
He firmly believed that today would only be filled with joyous memories. Nevertheless, he’s glad that he’s still alive. 
Chadwick unbuckled his seat-belt and hopped down from his car. As soon as he got out, the driver behind was already ready to meet him and apologize. 
“I am so sorry!” the female driver apologized. 
Caressing his nape, Chadwick looked at the trembling woman who seemed to be in her early 20’s. 
“I got an important call and when I was trying to pick it up, I saw your car a bit too late. I am sorry!” 
Looking at Chadwick’s car versus the woman’s car, they are really in different levels. Surely, the woman is so scared that she will spend a huge amount of money just to fix the small bump of scratch on Chadwick’s car. 
Chadwick is mad. 
He doesn’t want to tolerate such a mistake with such a simple apology. However, he does not want to make other people suffer when he has enough money to fix his own car.
‘Besides, I don’t want to ruin my day. Adira and I will see each other soon~’ 
Subconsciously, Chadwick smiled from ear to ear. 
When the nervous woman saw a glimpse on his beam, she was stunned. ‘How come he can still smile at this situation?’ 
“It’s okay,” Chadwick said in gentle voice. “Accident really happens. You don’t need to worry about my car.”
“R-Really?!” she gasped. 
“Yes. And I am busy at work too. Make sure to take caution next time so such an incident won’t happen again. Okay?” 
Chadwick smiled at her before he turned around to go back inside his car. While he’s walking, the woman shouted, “Thank you so much, sir! I will be careful!” 
The cool CEO just waved his hand before he went inside. The traffic light is green and so Chadwick droves away with his BMW car with large scratches on its bumper. 
The woman watched the car entered the road in awe. She couldn’t believe she’ll meet the kindest and coolest man in Earth. 
All thanks to Adira. 
“Woah. Not only is he handsome and rich but he is also kind and gentleman. What a perfect man,” the woman uttered, smiling as if she fell into enchantment. “Wait a minute. Why does he look so familiar?” 
While the woman is thinking where she saw him, the car behind honked. 
Beep! Beep!
“I am coming! I am sorry!” She apologized and went back inside her car. 
At the same time, the advertising of Crimson Meadow and Wine&Vibe wine was displayed on the large screen of the tall building. It is the picture advertisement of Adira and Chadwick’s poster for the wine. 
No one will expect that a simple car accident like this will be on the news someday. 
Meanwhile on the other side, Geoffrey went too early to the bar to meet his boss.
Inside the office, the boss looked at the resignation letter that Geoffrey placed on the table. Her doubtful eyes went back to the tall guy, as if he’s asking him: ‘Are you damn serious?’ 
“I am resigning from work starting today,” Geoffrey said that made him believe that he’s damn serious about this. 
“Geoffrey Cullen,” the boss said, holding the resignation letter. “Why? Why did you suddenly think of resigning? The bar is doing good, thanks to you and Vernon.” 
Geoffrey smiled at him and bowed his head. 
“Is this because of the broken glass? Hey dude, I told you that it’s okay. Accident happens. So don’t worry about that.” 
“No,” Geoffrey answered, keeping his eyes downward. “I know that I have to stop this in order to start a new life again.” 
His boss laughed at his statement.
“Geoffrey.” He placed the resignation letter aside and continued, “I know that you are perfect in terms of skill and looks. However, it will be hard for you to find another stable job with your age. No matter how experienced you are, don’t you think it is too late to suddenly start a new career.” 
Geoffrey also thought that everything was too late for him. 
When he lost his mother and he separated from seeing Adira, he accepted that he should not hope for more. However, he realized that he was wrong. 
“No. It’s not too late to pursue what I want,” Geoffrey added. 
His boss sighed. Looking at his face, he saw the determination in it, and that there’s is no way to convince him to stay. 
“Thank you so much for everything, boss. I will go now.” Geoffrey nodded his head before he went out of the office. 
As soon as he went out, a strong force suddenly pulled him. 
“Oh!” he looked at the guy who pulled him as if he was getting kidnapped. When he saw the perpetrator’s face, he sighed in relief. “Hey! You almost gave me a heart attack.” 
“You idiot,” Vernon said, gritting his teeth. “You are really getting crazy, aren’t you?” 
Geoffrey scratched his ears, preparing for an earful nag from his closest friend. 
“I knew there’s something wrong why you suddenly went to work so early. You are usually late by minutes.” 
“Did you secretly listen to conversation with boss?” 
“That is not important anymore. Hey! What are you thinking? Why did you suddenly quit from work?” 
Geoffrey pulled the smile on his lips and looked away. 
Vernon was the one who recommended him to this place and although he passed the age limit, the boss accepted him because of Vernon. 
“Don’t tell me, this is because of that woman?” Vernon added. 
Geoffrey bit his lower lip. 
“Actually, I heard everything yesterday.” Vernon heaved a sigh.
Yesterday when Adira came here with her ex-husband, Vernon heard the two men’s confessions, and that Adira divorced her husband. He kept quiet on the corner, thinking that he has no rights to butt in their business, yet he can’t let his friend ruin his life just for a divorcee woman. 
“Don’t think that everything will be okay as long as she’s divorced,” Vernon said, holding Geoffrey’s wrist. “Their lives are far from you. Geoffrey, you are hurting yourself by reaching something you can’t reach.” 
For Vernon’s eyes, Geoffrey might be the hopeless romantic dude who is trying to get a diamond that does not suit his palm. He is just worried that he will get entangled with powerful and rich people. 
However, there was no perturb in Geoffrey’s eyes as he pulled his hand from Vernon’s grip. Smiling, he tapped his friend’s shoulder. 
“Your nagging is so hard to handle,” Geoffrey murmured, adding, “But this time, I really don’t want to regret hesitating.” Then, he stepped away with a light heart.
“Hey! Where are you going?!” 
Where will he go? 
As Geoffrey thinks of the place where he will set off, the beam on his lips vanished. 
Little later, Geoffrey arrived at the place where he wanted to start anew. 
“Young master!” the maid gasped as soon as she saw Geoffrey entering the mansion of Dale. 
Geoffrey smiled at the head maid, who also nagged him too much when he first entered this place. Somehow, he could see a resemblance between the maid and his close friend, Vernon. 
“Good day. I came back again,” Geoffrey greeted. 
“Did you come back because you will go get something?” the maid asked. 
Geoffrey opened his lips, but he couldn’t finish when he saw the silhouette of the woman climbing down on the stairs. 
“B-Brother,” Isa murmured, eyes widened while staring at the man who voluntarily left the place years ago. 
After their parents died, Geoffrey vowed that he will never ever step in the mansion again and live with Isa. He felt guilty for his mom, and he thought that this will be his way to mend for his stepfather who died without knowing anything why Geoffrey decided to live far from home. 
Yet, he came into realization that fear won’t be over without solving it. 
“Why are you here, brother?” Isa asked, walking slowly towards him. 
Geoffrey looked around the place. It is the space where he, his mother, stepfather, and Isa spent with as a happy family. 
He gulped and clenched his fist tightly. 
‘Mom, stepdad,’ Geoffrey said inwardly. ‘I am sorry for not telling you the truth. That I lived far away from the two of you because of my stepsister. Until the day you died, I did not have the chance to thank you for giving me the opportunity to live with a better life. I am still guilty, until now. However, I will make sure that this time, I will go on my life without regrets.’ 
“I am here to get my inheritance from father,” Geoffrey announced. “Starting today, I will be Geoffrey Dale again.”


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