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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1084

"He's gone out," Peter informed.

He didn't tell Selina the reason why Matthew went out. Instead, he wanted Matthew to give her a surprise when he came back.

Selina was surprised.

Matthew had gone out?

What for?

Why would he go out even when Peter was still here?

"Grandpa, do you know what he went out for?" Selina asked.

Peter shook his head and said mysteriously, "You'll know when he comes back. I don't know either. It might be something important."

"Oh," Selina replied.

What was so important that Matthew had run out at dinnertime?

Selina didn't think much about it and asked Peter, "Grandpa, are you hungry now? Do you want me to cook for you?"

Peter looked surprised. "Did I really hear you correctly? A brat like you knows how to cook?"

Selina smiled, embarrassed.

Matthew had reminded her of her duty. Even an outsider like Matthew had taken the initiative to prepare dinner for Peter, but that thought had never even crossed her mind. She felt quite ashamed when she thought about it.

"I can cook some simple dishes. Besides, there are servants to help me. What would you like to eat, Grandpa?"

Peter waved his hand. "I don't want to eat anymore. I'm already full, but you can still make something for Matthew."

Selina was stunned for a moment.

After a while, she muttered, "Who would want to cook for him?"

She said this under her breath.

Peter gave Selina a cold look and scolded, "That's not right. As his wife, shouldn't cooking for your husband be something natural?"

Selina remained silent.

Peter continued, "As a woman, you need to be more sensible and gentle, and you need to learn to cook. Only then will Matthew love you. You should be aware of this, Selina."

Selina was extremely disapproving of Peter's words. "Who said that? Do I have to be sensible and gentle just because I'm a woman?"

Peter snorted. "Men like gentle and sensible girls anyway."

Selina was speechless.

Suddenly, someone appeared in her mind.


She was the perfect picture of a gentle and sensible woman.

Selina felt abrupt disappointment.

Peter's words were true, weren't they? A woman like Joycelyn was a total b*tch in her eyes, but she was any man's favorite. So that was why Matthew was in a relationship with Joycelyn, wasn't he?

Hearing that, Selina's heart throbbed again.

"I'll go to the kitchen to cook something," Selina muttered after a while.

Selina walked into the kitchen.

Likely because Matthew had ordered them not to do so in advance, the servants hadn't prepared dinner. They had only washed and prepared all the ingredients.

Selina froze when she saw so many ingredients.

To be honest, she had never cooked before. She hadn't even cooked instant noodles by herself.

Selina felt that she had to ask for help, and she looked for Erine.

An expression of shock appeared on Erine's face. "Miss Whitlock, didn't Mr. Perry say that he would be preparing dinner tonight? Why is it you instead?"

The corner of Selina's mouth twitched. "I don't even know where he is right now."

She paused for a while and continued, "Erine, please teach me how to cook."

Erine thought for a moment and suddenly realized something. "I've got it. You want to cook for your husband, right? This is good. To win a man's heart, you have to win over his stomach first. Miss Whitlock, you are so smart."

Selina remained silent.


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