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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1088

Matthew stopped his footsteps.

He looked back, with faint fatigue in his expression as he said, "Selina, it's getting late, you should get some sleep too."

All kinds of emotions surged in Selina's eyes as she said, "Your phone is still on the sofa downstairs."

Matthew gave a plain hum in response and headed down the stairs.

Selina knew that Matthew was getting his phone.

She also knew that she should head back to her bedroom, since it was none of her business.

Yet, she couldn't restrain herself.

She had always been like this. She couldn't hold back when she was emotional.

Thus, just when Matthew got his phone and was heading back upstairs, Selina was already waiting for him.

Matthew said in a low voice, "Why are you still here?"

Selina pursed her lips with her eyes misty.

Matthew sighed softly.

He should have just headed back to his bedroom, yet he couldn't bear to see Selina getting teary.

He thought that Selina was acting like this because he hadn't prepared the fruits she liked.

"Selina," Matthew called out in exasperation. "Don't be so stubborn. You should learn to control your emotions."

Selina glared at him, "What if I don't?!"

Matthew became even more helpless. "It's up to you then."

Selina was left speechless.

She got even more frustrated. "You should stop bothering me!"

"Fine then. Sleep earlier," Matthew said as he was about to leave.

Selina immediately said, "Does Joycelyn have sensitive skin too?"

Matthew was stunned.

He looked back at her and said, "I don't know about that."

He didn't understand why Selina would ask him this.

Selina's eyelashes were trembling as she said, "How would you not know about that?!" "Why would I know?!" Matthew protested.

"I saw your text message. You asked the R&D department to work on a product for sensitive skin. Aren't you doing that for Joycelyn?!" Selina finally let out the words that she was suppressing earlier.

Matthew's face stiffened slightly.

"Selina, are you really this clueless or are you actually acting dumb?" Matthew asked.

He then said word by word, "I'm doing this for you!"

Selina froze in place.

For her?

How was that possible?

Why would Matthew develop a cosmetic product for her sensitive skin when he didn't even like her?!

"Why would you do that for me?" Selina muttered.

"If not for you, then who else?" Matthew questioned. His gaze was deep.

Who else was worth this much of Matthew's concern? Who else would make Matthew ask the Perry Group, the company that had never been involved in everyday chemical products, to start developing a product in this field, over a single sentence in their conversation?

Selina was puzzled for a moment.

"You like Joycelyn, don't you? Aren't you and

Joycelyn together already?" Selina asked.

She had already wanted to ask about this when they were in the kitchen. She then decided to ask this after dinner. However, she was distracted by Matthew's gift and she forgot.

Matthew remained silent.

He was left speechless at that question.

"Who told you that I like Joycelyn? Who told you that I'm with her?" Matthew asked.


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