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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 710

The hatred in Cecilia's heart began to subside, little by little...

On the other hand, Selina was incredibly moved.

She believed that the love between Natalie and Tobias was what true love looked like.

Tobias was willing to give his life up for Natalie, Natalie was willing to sign a contract that put her life on the line.

That was what true love looked like, wasn't it?

They were willing to give up everything for each other and only till death do they part.

On this afternoon, Natalie suddenly noticed Tobias' fingers twitch a little.

She immediately became agitated, and quickly informed the medical personnel.

Selina, Cecilia, and Peter immediately rushed over when they heard the news.

Everyone was extremely nervous.

The doctor was overjoyed after checking Tobias' condition. He told them that it was a good sign that Tobias' fingers were starting to move. He said that things would probably take a turn for the better that night, that other parts of his body might start showing signs of movement as well.

Everyone in the ward held their breath as they watched Tobias intently.

However, when night fell, Tobias hadn't moved anymore.

"What's going on? Didn't the doctor say that he is going to move his other body parts? Why hasn't he moved yet?" Peter asked impatiently.

The doctor was also confused.

According to Tobias' reaction earlier, his condition was supposed would get better by evening.

"Mr. Whitlock, it's hard to say," the doctor managed to say.

"Are you saying that he still won't wake up?" Peter raised his voice.

The doctor didn't dare give Peter any false hope.

He replied meekly, "Mr. Whitlock, chances are that he won't be waking up tonight."

Peter snorted loudly, then left in a rage.

On the other hand, Selina and Cecilia's faces were filled with dejection.

Natalie was even more miserable. Her bright eyes immediately lost their light.

Cecilia patted Natalie's shoulder. "Natalie, it's a good sign that Tobias' finger moved. He might not show any improvement tonight, but maybe he will tomorrow. You've been through a lot lately, you should get some rest tonight."

Natalie nodded reluctantly.

Selina consoled her as well. "Natalie, don't be too anxious. The doctor already said that Tobias' condition is going to take a turn for the better. Now, you need to take good care of yourself so that you won't collapse when Tobias wakes up."

"I will. I will take care of myself while waiting for Tobias to wake up." Natalie's answer was gentle yet determined.

It was already late at night by the time Cecilia and Selina left.

However, Natalie could not fall asleep.

She was overexcited by Tobias' little movements earlier. However, the more excited she was, the more disappointed she became.

Natalie sat by Tobias' side, and she carefully placed his hand on top of hers.

His hands were large and well- defined. They swallowed Natalie's small hands.

Her gaze drifted to his fingers.


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