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Planned Baby novel Chapter 12

Time passes very quickly. I'm in the last month of my pregnancy. I might see my twins anytime soon.

Luna and Kaela (Ulie’s sister) organize a baby shower for me. I wanted to say no because I don’t want the media to find out about the father of my babies. Though my pregnancy got exposed, we were able to hide from the media that Ulie is the father of my twins. But they won’t budge. So I had no choice but to let them do whatever plan they have for the baby shower.


I know that we can’t hide the twins’ father forever, but as much as possible, I want to have a safe delivery first before I face the potential crisis that I need to deal with.

I formally met Ulie’s sister, Kaela Ulyssa Escarrer, a week after I met their parents. Ulie and Kaela were the ones in charge of their hotels in Asia. She had a meeting in Dubai last week, so she was not there when Ulie formally introduces me to their parents. 

When she arrived in the Philippines and heard the news about Ulie and me, she asks his parents and brother to invite me for dinner. 

She was the girl I met in the mall when I was buying clothes for the twins, and Ulie approaches me. 

She was shocked when she saw me at the dinner.


“I knew something is going on between you and my brother!” She said when she recognizes me.

I gave her a forced smile. She still remembers it. 

“Kaela, did you already know Ellie?” Aunt Adelia (Ulie’s mother) said.

“I don't know her personally. But I already met her once in the mall. Brother Ulie approaches her, and at that time, she looks pissed at brother.” She explained and chuckled.

Their parents look surprised by that story. I assumed that they didn’t expect that someone is not showing interest in their son. I can’t blame them. Ulie is a total package and any girl would want to be his girl.

“At that time, I was asking her if she was pregnant because she was buying infant clothes. She wanted to hide it, so I guess that's why she was pissed.” Ulie said and shrugged.

I glared at him. Even though what he told them is true, still he should not say that. I am feeling embarrassed now because of what he said.

I think Uncle Laertes noticed my discomfort. That is why he changes the topic.

“We can continue our chat later, but right now, let's head to the dining room. The food is ready.” He said. 

“Okay, dad. Let’s go, sis!” 

Kaela grabbed my hand, and we went to the dining room together.

“Hey Kaela, stop harassing Ellie!” Ulie warns his sister.

Kaela rolled her eyes. “Whatever, brother! I will steal her from you.”

“You wish! She's already mine!” Ulie fight back.

I just shook my head. They were acting like a kid.

End of flashback

After that dinner, Kaela is always calling me. She will always tell me how much she likes me for his brother. We became close because of her effort. 

She‘s also close with Luna. She often visits me in my office, which is where she met Luna and become close. Sometimes I would ask her if she doesn’t have any work to do because of how often she visits me and Luna.

I don’t have any problem with her visiting me and Luna. But I am just concerned that people might get an idea because of her sudden closeness with me.

And now I completely understand why she keeps on going in my office. Luna and Kaela are planning a baby shower for me which I appreciate though for me it’s not needed anymore.

Ulie and I were now in the venue for our baby shower. He fetches me at my penthouse.

They only invited a few people- these people were the only ones who knew our situation.


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