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Planned Baby novel Chapter 17

Four days before we announced the press conference

“Ellie, I have a meeting today with RV shitty company,” I informed her.

She chuckled. “You are so mean, Ulie.”

I clenched my jaw. “That name suits their company. I will never forgive them for what they did to you. I will surely make them pay. They insulted you an Escarrer.”

Her forehead creased. “I am not part of Escarrer.” She corrected me.

I smirked. “The moment you gave birth to our children, you automatically became part of the Escarrer family.”

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t you dare tell that to anyone?! You might not be able to get married when they hear that. They will assume that we are in a relationship or something.”

“I don’t plan to marry anyone,” I told her.

“Oh yeah! I forgot. You didn’t want to get married.” She said, then chuckled.

“Well, I don’t mind getting married if you are the bride,” I told her.

She just laughed. “Whatever, Ulie!”

I shrugged. She never believes me whenever I say this thing to her. But I am serious whenever I said it. I am willing to marry her if she allows me, not just for the kids.

The more I get to know Ellie, the more I wanted to be close to her.

She was indeed a very strong woman. She wanted to show the world that she can handle things alone. But something inside of me wants to protect her. I want to be someone she can depend on.

I was back from deep thinking when Ellie went to me with the twins.

“Say bye-bye to Daddy twins! Wish him luck with his meeting today.” Ellie said in a gentle, sweet voice.

I smiled at my family. I love mornings like this.

I kiss the twins goodbye.

“Bye, kids, I will see you later! Bye Ellie.” Then I kissed Ellie on the cheek.

She smiled at me and nodded. “Bye, Ulie! Wish you luck!”

I smirked. “RV needed that luck more than me.”


Jace informed me that RV’s CEO is already here.

I look at the time; it was almost 10 am. I smirked. It's showtime!

“Tell them to come in,” I said in a formal voice.

“Copy, Sir,” Jace said, then end the intercom call.

“Mr. Escarrer!”

The voice came from an annoying person. I tried my best to control myself not to punch this guy.

“Mr. Ventura,” I said in a formal voice.

Jace guides him to my conference room area.

“What’s the meeting all about?” I said the moment we sat down in my conference room.


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