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Planned Baby novel Chapter 19

“You look pale, Ellie. Are you sick?” Ulie asked.

He looks at me with pure concern on his face.

“No. I’m good. I wasn’t able to sleep well because I am thinking about today’s meeting.” I lied.

The truth is, I wasn’t able to sleep at all because his kiss last night keeps bugging me.

Ulie and I were clear about our relationship. We are nothing but Alistair and Amelia’s parents. We are both aware that we don’t need to pretend a couple for the twins. We want to raise them fully aware of their parent’s actual relationship status.

I never ask him to be faithful because we are not in a relationship; we were never will. I knew why he was friendly with me and why he treats our children well; it was all because of the freedom that he got because of us.

But now, I don’t understand why he is not living a man's life with freedom. He always gave most of his time with the twins and me. I have never seen him go out to a party or had fun with his friends. He acts as if he was a married man.

I was back from my deep thinking when I hear Ulie keeps on calling my name.


“Y-yes? Are you saying something?” I asked, a bit disoriented.

“Are you sure you are okay? You can tell Nick to reschedule your meeting. Just rest in your room today.” He said, full of concern.

I shook my head. “Don’t worry about me. I am always like this whenever I have a big project.” I said, but it’s a lie.

“Are you sure?”

I nodded and smile at him. “Yes. Don’t worry about me.”

He sighed. “Fine. But make sure to get a full rest after your meeting.”

“I will.”

We continued our breakfast.

He was about to leave and said goodbye when he went to me and KISSED ME ON THE LIPS.

I was stunned.

“Bye, Ellie!” Then he smirked.


I am trying my best to stop myself from thinking about Ulie and his kiss. I need my full attention now. Any minute now, Nick and his team will arrive.

I am with my team in my study room waiting for our new client. We did some discussion about the current situation of the company. But I assure them that the issue will be solved this week after the press conference with LHI.

A few minutes later, Nick and his team finally arrived. We start the meeting right away after introducing my team and his.

“We all know that Tagaytay is often chosen as a wedding venue. We wanted Hearts to expand in that kind of service, but we want to be in the highest standard by giving them the best venue, food, and service.”

“This is the land that we have newly acquired. We want to have the signature look of Hearts Restaurant and the added service.”


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