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Planned Baby novel Chapter 21

“Of course there is. And we already know who is the person behind all these.”

The media started to murmur and flash cameras again.

This is a big scoop for everyone. They will not miss it for the world.

The legal representative started to explain my claims.

“After the commotion in the LHI resorts media launch, our company started to investigate. It’s obvious that it was well planned and someone is behind this.” He started his speech.

“We look on the bank account of the person who maliciously accused Ms. Cabello of doing dirty tactics to get the LHI Resort Project.”

“And we found this on his bank account three days before the said event.”

The monitor showed them the bank transaction of the person he mentioned but it didn’t reveal the person who transferred the money to the said bank account.

“Also, days after the event, he was seen meeting Mr. Ventura of RV Engineering and Architectural Services.” He revealed.

“Are you saying that Mr. Ventura of RV Engineering and Architectural Services is the one behind all this issue?” One of the media people asked.

“Why will they do that? Isn’t RV Engineering and Architectural Services the one who did the LHI Hotels project here in the Philippines?” Another person from the media asked.

Ulie nodded. “Yes, they were the ones who got the LHI Hotels project. And that fact gave you already the idea why they did this to Ms. Cabello’s company.”

Then a video recorder flashes on the monitor.

It was his meeting with Mr. Ventura.

“First of all, I am sorry to hear about the LHI resorts issue.” It was Mr. Ventura.

“Well, I guess this thing will not happen if we were the ones who got this project.” He added.

“What do you mean?” Ulie asked.

Mr. Ventura smile as if he was happy with Ulie’s response.

“You know CIC is a nameless company. I understand that they want their company to be known but using their body to get this project is way too immoral. When we got the LHI hotel project, we never had this kind of issue, nor scandal.” He said, full of insult.

Ulie clenched his fist.

“And who told you that she was using her body to get this project?” Ulie asked in a cold voice.

He flinched. “W-well, it’s obvious s-she got pregnant with your child. Or are you even sure that the kid was yours?”

“Are you insulting the Escarrer family?” Ulie said in a menacing voice.

He shivers. “N-no, Mr. Escarrer, I never meant that.”

“My kids are Escarrer. Doubting them as an Escarrer bloodline is already an insult. I think you push your luck too much, or should I say death?”

He turned pale. “M-Mr. Escarrer-”

“Did you think that I will never find out that you were the one behind all this issue?”

His eyes widen. “No, Mr. Escarrer. I will never do that to you.”

Ulie smirked. “You are already busted, Mr. Ventura. And for your information, Ellie never uses her body to get this project. The nameless company that you are saying is way too good compared to your company skills. They got the project fair and square.”

“What I have with Ellie is none of your business. You attacked the Escarrer, and I guess you already know what will happen to your company.”

“Mr. E-escarrer, please forgive me. I will clear this issue. Just please spare my company.”

“Too late, Mr. Ventura.”


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