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Planned Baby novel Chapter 23

“Alistair and Amelia! My babies, your auntie misses you so much!”

Kaela went to the twins when we arrived at Escarrer’s mansion. The twins’ grandparents requested us to spend the weekend with them in their mansion.

It’s been a month since the issue with Mr. Ventura happened. The company became so busy because of the two projects.

Engineers from CIC started to execute the project and I can’t wait to see the final execution of the project.

“Ellie, can you consider living here with the twins? I want to spend time with them every day.” Kaela said for the nth time.

Whenever she visits us in the penthouse or their mansion, she always offers me to live with them here in the mansion.

“You can visit the twins in my penthouse every day if you want to spend time with them every day. You are always welcome.” I just said.

She pouted her lips. I’m amazed that she still offers me to live with them even though she always receives the same reply.

“Kaela stops annoying Ellie,” Ulie said to his sister.

“I’m not annoying her. I just want her to live here in the mansion.” Kaela defended herself.

“But she always tells you that she doesn’t want to live here.”

“She did not. She just told me that I can visit the twins in the penthouse.”

Ulie shrugged. “It means the same.”


“Stop you two with your petty argument the lunch is ready. Let’s go to the dining area.” Auntie Adelia said to her children.

After our not so peaceful lunch because Kaela and Ulie keep on fighting over petty things. We all bonded in the garden. We drink tea and talk like a normal family.

I was amazed by the simplicity of the Escarrer. They are far from other elite families. I could see the genuine love and care of them to one another, even though Ulie and Kaela always argue. I find their petty arguments cute. I never had a sibling so I never had a chance to have that kind of memory. It's always my parents and me.

I suddenly miss my parents. We often do these things every weekend. We love spending time with one another. The reason why even though I don’t have friends then, I was still happy was that my parents is with me.

I was back from reality when I heard Ulie’s voice.

“Penny for your thoughts?”

I smiled at him. “I suddenly miss my parents. We often do this family bonding before.”

“I’m sorry for your loss. I know that it was hard for you when you lose them.”

“It is. I miss them every day. I often wish that it was all just a dream. I love them so much.” My tears started to fall as I share with Ulie what I really felt.

He went to me and gave me a warm hug. “It will be okay Ellie. Alistair and Amelia are with you now. I am also here for you.”

“I know. But I can’t stop myself from missing my parents.”

“I did my best in school to make them proud but they weren’t able to hear my speech at my graduation because they already left me on that day. It should have been my happiest day but it turned out to be my worst day.”

I cried hard on Ulie’s shoulder.

“Hush now Ellie I know that your parents were so proud of you. I’m sure that they would want to hear your speech and to spend more time with you. They don’t want to leave you alone and they want you to move forward and be happy.” Ulie said.

“Ellie you are part of the Escarrer family whether you marry our son or now. We always see you as our daughter, you can treat us as your parents.”

I look at Auntie Adelia. She was teary-eyed when she uttered those words.

My tears keep on flowing.

“Thank you, Auntie.” I sincerely told her.


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